Sothebys February 2002 19th Century Paintings & Watercolours

Sotheby's - London
Sale title – 19th Century Paintings & Watercolours
Date – 13th February 2002
No. of lots – 326
No. of pages – 114
Illustrated in colour

Abbott, J.w. 135,136 Collier, J. 303 Goodall, f 184 Langley, W.
Abbéma, L 19 Coney, J. 120 Goodwin, A 218 Langstaffe, E.
Abels, J.T 116 Conor, W. 265 Gordon, J.E. 117 Larivière, C.-I'-A
Adams, C.J. 298 Continental School 121 Gout-Gérard, E. le 36 Lawson, A.
Aldin, C. 204 Cooke, E.W. 109 Graeme, C. 205 Leciercq, E.C.
Apsit, AI' 90 Coppola, A 60 Granger, J. 236 Legrand, J.-T
Armlield, E. 297 Cornet, J.L. 12 Green, B.R. 249 Leibl, W.
Armlield, G.S. 250,253 Cox Jnr, D. 152,153 Green, C. 272 Lessore, J.
Aspinwall, R. 245 Cranston, E.G. 214 Green, N.E. 219 Lewis, C.J.
Criddle, MA 188 Gudin, H. 88 Linnell, TJ.
Baldock, J.w. 154 Crogaert, G. 82 Guillemet, J.-B.-A. 31 Linnell, W.
Barbaro, G. 217 Lloyd, R.M.
Beinke, f 37 Delaux, A 3 W*', E. 239 Lloyd, S.W
Bennett, W. 142 Demange, A 66,67 Haccou, J.c. 113 Lloyd, WS.
Bentley, C.E. 127 Denovan Adam Jnr., J. 178 Hacker, A 307
Birch, J. 227 Devis, A. 104,105 Hair, TH. 194 Maclise, D.
Bisson, H. 86 106, 107. 119 Haite, G.c. 216, 229 Major, HA
Boitard, L.P. 51 Diaz de la Pena, N.v. 84 Hansen, J.T 92 Malmazet
Bone, C. 318 Dighton, R. 143 Hardy, D. 260,261 Marny, l'
Borione, B. L. 20 Dommersen, W. 270 Hardy, H. 207 Mastini. G a
Bouvard, N. 33,34 Donaldson, K. 317. 321, 322 Harris, E. 315 Mayer, A.
Boydell, C. 281 323, 324, 325, 326 Harvey-Mayall, J. 277 McCormici< . .!..0
Bramley, f 305 Dupré, L.v. 73 Hassell, J. 133 McCuliodl -
Brandeis, A 35 Dutch School 40,41,42 Hepple, W. 316 Meegan, W
Brewer, C. 126 Dvorak, f 64 Herbert, f 195 Mellor,W.
Bridgman, fA 32 Herbert, H.B. 159 Menpes, '"
Brispot, H. 56 East, A 309,311 Herdman, w.G. 149 Meyer, fllli
British School 175,176 Eberle, R. 48 Holland, J. 197 Midwood,
199, 211, 252 Edellelt, A 63 Hughes, T 220 Miles, T
Brooking, C. 115 Ellis, E. 293 Hughes, y. 319,320 Millais, R.
Brown, W.M. 177 English School 93, 125, 243 Hunt, A.W. 181 Mortimer. A
Bundy, E. 246,273 Ensor, M. 282,285 Hunt, EA 292 Muller, W"
Burrington, AA 301 Evans, W. 145 Munger, G.
Everdingen, A. van 39 Italian School 28
Cadel, E. 61 Nairn, J.M.
Cain, G. 8 Faivre, A. 79 Jackson, S.P. 180 Neff, T von
Callow, W. 150 Falconer Poole, l' 289 Jacobsen, A 1 Neuville, A.B ~
Cameron, D. 170 Farquharson, D 226 Jobling, R. 262 Nicholson, F
Carelli, G. 162, 232 Fesch, A 295 Joel, H.B. 244 Noir, E.
Carlisle, M. H. 314 Flemish School 87 Oakley, WH
Carr, M.E. 114 Flint, S.L. 224 Kaulbach, fA 71 Opdenhof' G
Carrier-Belleuse, l' 24 Fothergill, C.w. 146 Keightley, ••• 128 Orpen, R.
Cattermole, C. 155 French School 9 Kilburne, G.G. 186,187 Ouvrie,P.J
Cauchois, E.H. 58,59 Frith, w.P. 302 Kricheldorf, C. 81
Chaplin, C. 62 Galliac, L. 26 Krouthen, J. 80 Palmer, H.S
Charles, J. 201 George, E.B. 310 Kuehl, G.J. 83 Panerai, R.
Chateignon, E. 4 Gervex, H. 76 Parker, H.H
Clairin, G.J.V. 69 Gibson, L 179 Lamplough, AO. 161 Parsons. B,E
Clare, V. 189 Gioja, B. 68 Lancaster, l' 275 Passey, C.f<
Cleghorn, J. 182 Glindoni, H:G. 286 Lance, Attributed to G. 283 Paupion, E...J.
Cole, G. 172 Goodall, EA 160 Landseer, E. 251,254
Langley, W 238 Payne, W 134
Langstaffe, E. 291 Petitjean, E.M. 44 Taylor, AH.
Lariviere, C.-P.-A de 45 Pettitt, G. 240 Taylor, L.C.
Lawson, A. 223 Phillip, J. 200 Tenkate, H. 47
Leciercq, E.C. 72 Pieler, FX. 18 Thors, J. 221
Legrand, J.-T 16 p'ollentine, A 268,269 Turner, fJ.
Leibl, W 13 Pppe, H. 242 Turner, WB.
Lessore, J. 15 Powell, WE. 206 Turner, WE. 284
Lewis, C.J. 300 Preuschen, H. von 17
Linnell, TJ. 169 Proctor, A E. 278 Unte, J.
Linnell, W 164 Prout, S. 96, 138, 183 Urwick, W
Lloyd, R.M. 231
Lloyd, S.W 266 Ramsay, A 237 Varley, J.
Lloyd, WS. 230 Reynolds, J. 202
Vien, J-M. Follower of 46
Ribera, l' 85
Maclise, D. 210 Rizzoni, A.A. 70 Walbourn, E.
Major, HA 190 Robins, T 95
Walcot, W 264
Malmazet 89 Robins, TS. 118, 163 Wallace, J.
Marny, l' 157 Rose, WS. 241
Waller, S.E. 203
Mastini, G. di 50 Rosen, ET 25
Waring, WH. 235
Mayer, A 49 Rossi, L. 7 Watts, fW
McCormick, AD. 247 Rowden, T 233
Watts, G.t 287
McCulloch, H. 191 Rowlandson, T 110,111, 112 Webb, J.
Meegan, W 290 122, 123, 124
Weekes, W 257
Mellor,W 208 144,147, 148 Weiland, J.
Menpes, M. 212 Rozier, J. 74 Whaite, J.
Meyer, fW 198 Russell, J. 255
Wilkie, Sir D. 271
Midwood, WH. 274 Williams, WH.
Miles, T 296 Saglio, E. 57 Wilson, A
Millais, R. 299 Sala, l' 29
Wilson, C.E. 263
Mortimer, A. 279 Salmon, J.c. 108 Wilson, J.J. 174
Muller, WJ. 131 Sandby, l' 94
Wingate, Sir J.L. 215
Munger, G. 14 Scarvelll, S. 27 Wolf, fX.,
Schaefels, H. 75 Wyburd, fJ.
Nairn, J.M. 276 Schiller 5 Wylie, K.
Neff, T von 77 Schindler, E.J. 53
Neuville, 55 Shaw, J.B. 312
Zannoni, G. 21
Nicholson, F 156 Shayer, W 280
Noir, E. 11 Shepherd, G.S. 165
Oakley, WH. 158 Sherrin, J. 256
Opdenhoff, G.W 2 Simkin, R. 168
Orpen, R. 166 Smallfield, f 258
Ouvrie, P.J. 38 Spohler, J.J.C. 54
Stannard, H.J.S. 193, 228
Palmer, H.S. 192 Stannard, TS. 288
Panerai, R. 52 Stevens, A. 30,43
Parker, H.H. 222 Storey, J. 167
Parsons, B.E. 304 Sunderland, T 140
Passey, CH 173 Surikov, V. 1. 78
Paupion, E.J. 6 Swedish School 10

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