Sothebys September 2001 19th Century Paintings & Watercolours

Sotheby's - London
Sale title – 19th Century Paintings and Watercolours
Date – 26th September 2001
No. of lots – 303
No. of pages – 92
Illustrated in colour

Absolon, J. 84 Cortes, A 210 Hayes, G. 254 Muller, C.W 172 Stannard, E. 300
Ahrendts, C.E. 180 Criddle, MA 108 Herring Jnr., J.F. 272 Muller, WJ. 12,27 Stannard, H.S. 112
Aldine, M 229 Cros>y, W 289 Herter, A. 117 Muncacsy, M. 183 Strachan, A.C., 90
Alken, H.T 60 Cruickshank, G. 143 Hider, F. 274 Mühlfeld, J.J.M. von 215 Subba, L. 61
Ait, F. 88 Cruickshank, W. 20 Rills, R. 37, 100 Sunderland, T 10
Artz, C. 242 His, R.C.E. 233 Nash, F. 42 Swete, J. 124
Daniell, W. 50 Hlavacek, A 231 Nasmyth, C. 28
Bail, J. 219 de Fleury, C. 107 Howard, G. 282 Niemann, E. 270 Tavernier, A.
Barnard, W.H. 98 de Leeuw, A. 227 Howard,G. 281 Normand, E. 187 Taylor, A.H. 48
Barrett, G. 23 Detmold, E.J. 62 Hulk, A 224 Thors, J. 253,265/
Beaume, J. 228 Dickinson, J.W 99 Hunt, A.W 6 Oldfield, J.E. 176 Tommasi, P
Benczur, G. von 226 Dommersen, PC. 207 Hunt,W 298 Topham, F.W 64
Benouville, A.J. 204 Dommersen, W.R. 208 Hunt, WH. 54 Pajetta, P 206 Torre, G. dei 248
Bergmann, M. 182 Downing, D 284 Panitzsch, R. 193,194 Turner, W. 1,,' 15
Bernard, J. 192 Duassut, C. 168,175 Isern y Alie, P 199 Parker, H.P 51 Turner, W.B. 297
Biermer, O. 200 Duprey, J. 230 Italian School 106 Parker, J. 161
Bindy, E. 292 Dutch School 66,67, 68, 69 Iwill, M.J.L.C. 235 Parsons, AW. 102 Upham, J.W 133
Blacklock, WK. 71 Pellissier, C. 250
Blommers, B.J. 39 Ender, T 103 Jelley, JV 277 Pinelli, A de 249 van Couver, J.'
Bourgoin, M.D. 77 English School 2, 47, 93, 95, 135, 287 Jentzsch, J. G. 236 Pocock, N. 22 Vianello, C.C. 244
Bouter, C. 222 Fanfani, E. 202 Pollard, J. 276 1 lil' " ./
Bouvard, N. 234 Fantin-Latour, H. 81 Kelly, R.G. 256 Pollentine, A 268 ,"ke-0;ook, E. 70
Boyce, WTN. 159 Faulkner, J. 56 King, H. 295 Preydour, J.A.G. de 221 alker, R.H. 167
Brabazon, H.B. 52 Ferrier, G.S. 45 Kinnaird, H.J. 46 Pritchett, E. 101 Waller, R. 286
Bradley, B. 55 Fielding, A.V.C. 8,31 Prout, J.S. 148 Warren, H. 179
Braithwaite, W 160 Fildes, S.J. 279 La Cave, P 125 Préval, E. 173 Watts, F.W
Brandeis, A 246 Fischbach, J.
 La Pira, 105 Pyne, J.B. 24 Weber, G.DP 171
Breanski, A. de 273 Formis, AB 212 Lance, G. 301 White, G.F. 126,136
Brierly, O.W 58, 59 Foster, M.B. 111 Larsen, G.L. 218 Reynolds, J. 290 Williams, GA 263
Bright, H. 34 Frey, J.J. 195 Lawrence, S. 94 Richardson, TM. 25, 164, 165, 166 Winkfield, F.A. 275
British School 299 Le Marchant, Sir J. 63 Rigolot, A 104 Wolf, F.X. 245
Brooking, C. 57 Gabrini, P 205 Leader, B.W. 262 Robson, TM. 114 Woodlock, D. 115
Brown, W B 257 Garneray, H.J.B. 131 Lecomte, V. 238 Roe, C. 261 Wright, G.
Bunbury, H.E. 145 Gastineau, H. 123 Lemaire, M.J. 211 Romney, G. Cl Wynfield, D.W 291
Bundy, E. 293, 296 Gautier, A.D. 240 Lemmer,A 217 Rossi, L. 201
Burgess, W.H. 49 German School 198 Leroux, A 216 Rowbotham, C. Zampighi, E.E. 185
Burnett-Stuart, A 97 Ghenl, G.W 132 Leroux, AJ.M. 213 Rowbotham, TC.L.  Zandomeneghi, F. 82
Buzzi, A 40 Gilbert, A 258 Leslie, F.S. 128, 129, 130, 137 Rowlandson, T 80 Ziegler, H.B. 127
Bénouville, L.F. 189 Giojo, B. 89 138, 139, 149, 150 Royer, L.N. 188
Glendening, A 278 151,152,153,154,163 Rozier, D.H. 220,241
Callow, W 26, 29 Glindoni, H.G, 288 Lessore, J. 146 Rudge, E. 119,120,121
Campion, G.B. 9 Goff, F.E.J. 177 Lidderdale, C.S 285 Rushbury, H.G. 36
Carelli, G. 78, 209 Goldsmith, WH. 169 Linnell, TJ. 255
Carter, F. 162 Goodall, EA 85, 86, 87 Lonza, A. 191 Sandby, P 7
Cattermole, G. 83 Goodwin, A 53,109 Lucas, AD. 302 Schianchi, F. 79
Cauchois, E.H. 223, 237 Green, C. 65 Lynde, R. 280 Schnebbelie, R.B. 134
Ceramano, c.F. 243 Griset, E. H. 144 Schouman, M. 38
Ciardi, E. 225 Guys, C. 72, 73, 74, 75 Marcke, E. van 181 Settle,WF. 155
Clair, C.H. 197 Gérôme, J.L. 76 Markes, AE. 178 Sharples, E. 18
Clare, G. 252 Marny, P 147 Shaw, J.B.L. 283
Clare, O. 303 Hailé, C. 196 McCloy, S. 113 Shayer, W 266
Cockburn, J. P 3 Halswelle, K. 269 Mellor,W 264 Sieffert, P 214
Collier, T 260 Harding, J. D. 5 Mole, J.t!. 43 Sigmund, BD. 116
Condy, N. 122 Hardy, TB. 30, 35 Monchablon, J.F. 251 Simonsen, S. 247
Continental School 184, 203 Harpignies, H.J. 110 Montagu, E. 19 Slater, J. 17
Cook, E.W 141 Hau, W 174 Moore, C.TS. 259 Smith, CA 294
Cormon, F. 190 Hayes, C. 158 Moser, J.H. 16 Smith, J.B. 44, 140


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