Akshit Dried Mango Slices. 1 Pound. Dried Mango with Chili and Lime. Unsweetened Dried Mango. Dried Mango No Sugar Added. Dehydrated Mango Slices. Vegan. Non-Gmo. Vegan. Gluten-Free. Dried Fruit Snacks. Dried Mangoes. Great Source of Vitamins & Fiber 16oz . Mango Healthy Snacks for Adults & Kids

Ditch the Spoil. Embrace the Smile: ong-Lasting Dried Mango Delight!

Experience a flavor explosion unlike any other with Akshit Dried MangoThese chewy. bite-sized pieces of dehydrated mango slices are infused with a touch of chili & lime. creating a sweet and spicy synergy that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you wanting more.

Forget sugary candies and artificial flavors. organic dried mango Fruit no sugar added offers a taste of the tropics in its purest form. Real mangoes are meticulously dried to perfection. concentrating their natural sweetness without any added sugar. A touch of chili adds surprising kick. creating a flavor combination that's both satisfying and exciting.

Perfect for:

  • Stocking some dried pineapple and lime  the pantry for a burst of sunshine on a rainy day
  • Packing a convenient and delicious unsweetened mango snack for long trips
  • Creating a stash of healthy treats for busy lifestyles

Akshit Dried Mangoes: Savor the taste of summer. anytime!

Features of Our Dried Chili Mango No sugar added

 Here are some of the health benefits of Dried Mango Slices. particularly the Chili Mango variety:

1. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Dried Mango slices are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. including vitamin A. vitamin C. and potassium. These nutrients support various bodily functions. such as immune health. vision. and electrolyte balance.

2. Antioxidant Properties: Dry Mangoes contain antioxidants like vitamin C. beta-carotene. and other phytonutrients that help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants play a crucial role in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. thus lowering the risk of chronic diseases.

3. Supports Digestive Health: Dried Mango unsweetend are a good source of dietary fiber. which aids digestion by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Fiber also helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome by supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

4. Boosts Immune Function: The high vitamin C content in Dried mangoes no sugar added supports immune function by stimulating the production of white blood cells. which are essential for fighting off infections and illnesses.

5. May Aid in Weight Management: Despite being sweet and delicious. Dried Mango slices can be a satisfying snack option for those looking to manage their weight. The fiber content helps keep you feeling full for longer periods. reducing the likelihood of overeating.

6. Provides Energy: unsweetened Dried Mango slices are a natural source of carbohydrates. which are the body's primary source of energy. Consuming them as a snack can provide a quick and convenient energy boost. making them ideal for active individuals and athletes.

7. Chili Mango Variation: The addition of chili to Dehydrated Mango slices not only enhances their flavor but also offers potential health benefits. Chili peppers contain capsaicin. a compound known for its metabolism-boosting properties and potential to aid in weight loss.

8. Free Shipping: Enjoying Dried Mango slices with the added benefit of free shipping makes it a convenient and cost-effective option for incorporating healthy snacks into your diet without worrying about additional shipping costs.

Incorporating Dried Mango Slices. especially the Chili Mango variety. into your diet can be a flavorful and nutritious way to enjoy the numerous health benefits of mangoes while satisfying your sweet and spicy cravings.

Make it even spicier with Spicy Lime Dried Mango Slices (Rebanadas de Mango Seco con Chile y Lima)

This recipe transforms dried mango chili slices into a delicious and tangy Latin-inspired snack.🥵




Dried Mango Slices

1 pound (454 g)

Look for dried mango slices with no added sugar for more control over sweetness.

Chili Powder

½ teaspoon

Adjust the amount to your spice preference.


Juice and zest of 1 lime

Lime zest adds a fresh citrus aroma.


¼ teaspoon

Salt enhances the flavors of the mango and chili.

Fresh Cilantro (Optional)

A few sprigs. chopped

Adds a fresh and herbaceous touch (optional).


  1. In a large bowl. combine the dried mango slices. chili powder. lime zest. and salt. Toss well to evenly coat the mango slices.
  2. Drizzle the lime juice over the mango slices. mixing again to ensure even distribution.
  3. Let the mango slices sit for at least 30 minutes. or up to 2 hours. to absorb the flavors of the chili and lime.
  4. Serve immediately. If you want an extra touch of freshness. garnish with chopped fresh cilantro (optional).


Additional Notes:

Ditch the candy aisle and embrace the sunshine in a bag! This treasure trove of dried fruits has everything you need to satisfy your sweet tooth. the healthy way. From chewy banana slices to bursts of tropical pineapple. each piece is packed with natural sweetness and zero added sugar. Plus. dried jackfruit brings a unique. chewy texture to the party. making this a snacking experience you won't soon forget. So ditch the boring and stock up on these delicious. all-natural treats – your taste buds (and your body) will thank you!

SATISFIED OR GET YOUR MONEY BACK: Akshit is founded on the principle of Quality. the best there is. We source our products from regions of repute to ensure that your extraordinary tastes are met. But if for any reason. our product falls short in meeting your expectations. just email us and we will refund your money in full amount right away within the first 10 days of purchase. No questions asked!
