Cost of Duty 9 RAR Vietnam 1968-69 Tour
The Cost of Duty 9 RAR Vietnam 1968-69 Tour by M Carmichael

The Cost of Duty 9 RAR Vietnam 1968-69 Tour by M Carmichael

As a founding member of the 9th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment, Mick Bawden deployed with that Battalion for its 1968 -1969 operational tour of duty in Vietnam. A professional army officer, Mick's training had instilled in him a strong sense of duty, and he was keen to test his training in combat. However, like many other veterans of that war and other conflicts involving Australians, the experience had a prolonged impact on his life and the life of his wife and family.

This book seeks to remind the wider community of the physical and mental issues faced by servicemen and women, and indeed by all first responders, in carrying out their duty. In pursuit of this aim, the cost of duty is explored through the life experiences of Vietnam veteran Mick Bawden, and his wife and stalwart supporter Mardi.

Book Condition:: PERFECT - NEW BOOK
Total Pages:: 246

Outer Cover on Book: : Soft Cover

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