Best for creating:

  • Full or Partial Dentures
  • Upper and Lower Dentures (both)


Smile confidently with a DIY Denture Kit from Denturi. This complete denture kit includes all the materials and ingredients required to craft your full or partial, upper and lower dentures from the comfort of your kitchen table. 


This complete denture kit is our most popular seller.


Overview of the process:



Included in this kit


• Full set of synthetic resin teeth. Our premium resin teeth were hand-selected for their durability and color accuracy. These teeth can be used for either full or partial dentures. Upper and lower teeth included. Your choice of shade A1 (white) or A2 (natural). 


• Denturi Custom Gum Material. Denturi's heat-activated gum material. This special pink material acts as the 'gums' of the denture. Simply place into simmering water for a few seconds and the material becomes soft and pliable, and hardens again at room temperature. 
• Impression Trays & Putty. Lab-grade impression trays and putty are used to form a working impression of your gums. This makes the crafting process significantly easier. 


• Casting stone (plaster). Casting plaster is used with the above impression trays to create a replica mold of your mouth, allowing you to comfortably craft your dentures on the table in front of you (instead of backwards in the mirror). 


• Fixodent. A sample size tube of fixodent to hold your DIY dentures in place. 


• Accessories & Tools. Emery board, brush, denture cup, denture cleaning tablets. Additional tools included.


• Support. Clear and concise instructions, instructional videos, and 5-star customer support based out of our Sunshine State headquarters. 


Friendly and helpful customer service accompanies every purchase. Message or email before, during, or after your purchase for customized help. 




Q: I'm not very crafty, can I do this?

A: Yes! You do not need to be an artist to craft a denture from our kit, but you do need to have patience. This kit may not work for everyone, but it has helped many to regain their smiles. The heat-activated pink gum material is very forgiving, and can be remade unlimited times just by reheating in hot water. Read the instructions and watch our instructional videos before beginning, and contact us with any problems.


Q: What are the different shades of teeth? 

A: We currently carry two shades of teeth: White (A1) and Natural (A2). If you need your new denture to blend in with existing teeth, you may want to choose natural. If you have no existing teeth and are making a full denture, you should choose white. 


Q: How much material is included in the kit? 

A: We include enough material to create full upper and lower dentures. You can make full or partial dentures with this kit. 


Q: I am missing a few teeth, will this kit work for me? 

A: Yes, you can cut away any unneeded teeth from the stabilizing wire, allowing you to create a partial denture of any size. 


Q: How does this compare to professional dentures? 

A: This kit is not meant to permanently replace professional dentures. This is a temporary solution for those who don't have access to professional dentures or implants. That said, the materials included in the kit are very durable. When hard, the pink gum material is strong and long-lasting. The teeth are a stain resistant resin meant to replicate the strength of natural teeth.

Q: What is an "impression kit"?

A: Your denture must fit up against your gums securely in order to work. Instead of molding the pink gum material directly to your gums (backwards in the mirror), use the impression kit to make a plaster replica of your mouth. The result looks like a small statue of your mouth, and allows you to craft your denture on the table in front of you before putting it in your mouth. 

Q: What if I buy your kit and don't understand something? 

A: Our team checks messages and emails throughout the day to provide you with 5-star customer support. 

Q: How is the denture held in place? 

A: Just like with professional dentures, a dental adhesive is used to hold the denture in place. We include a sample tube of Fixodent with all kits. 


Q: Can I eat with the denture? 

A: If correctly crafted and secured in place with dental adhesive, this denture can support eating most foods. It may not work well for tough foods like steak, but this is a limitation of the denture adhesive, not the strength of the gum material or resin teeth. Even professional dentures have this limitation.


Q: My loved one has dementia, can I make them dentures? 

A: Unfortunately, the user of the dentures must be an active participant in the crafting process. We absolutely do not condone the use of our product in someone with memory deficits, heightened risk of choking, or limited ability to recognize problems with the denture.