Ok, so let me get this straight: the Cleveland Browns move to Baltimore and change their name to the Ravens in 1996, but then Cleveland gets a new Browns franchise in 1999 but they suck for like the next quarter-century while the Ravens become a perennial AFC power and some quarterback from Delaware named Joe Flacco leads them to their second Super Bowl since they left Cleveland, but then Flacco leaves Baltimore and bounces around the league for a few years and is pretty much retired until the Cleveland Browns lose their quarter-billion dollar quarterback who can't keep his towel on at message parlors and suddenly Flacco takes over in Cleveland and finishes off an 11-6 season with a wildcard berth and a potential trip to Baltimore for the divisional round of the AFC playoffs in 2023?! 
Bull$#%&, get the F#%& outta' here, that could never happen in a million years at a million different Hollywoods!
Well, it might be unfolding that way this month in the AFC North, and you can celebrate with this throwback Flacco jersey from his Ravens days, made of 100% lightweight polyester with screen-printed graphics on the front, back & sleeves. You couldn't make this $#&% up!