Discover the intense rivalry and visceral action in "Wolverine: Sabretooth," a hardcover graphic novel by Jeph Loeb with art by Simone Bianchi, focusing on the epic clash between Wolverine and his arch-nemesis, Sabretooth. This new release delves into the depths of their enmity, exploring themes of vengeance, identity, and the savage nature of both characters. The combination of Loeb's gripping storytelling and Bianchi's stunning visuals makes this book a standout piece for fans of Wolverine, the X-Men, and those who appreciate the darker side of superhero comics. Ideal for display or as a significant addition to your collection, "Wolverine: Sabretooth" is a must-have, offering a deep dive into one of the most iconic rivalries in the Marvel Universe. Add this powerful graphic novel to your collection and witness the fierce battle between two of Marvel's deadliest mutants.