-8mm Genuine Lapis Lazuli, Agate, and Hematite Stones

Material: Natural Stones
Full Length: Approx Between 17 - 22cm

Lapis Lazuli is said to cleanse the mind, body and spirit of toxins and negativity, and is also believed to strengthen the immune system. Known as a protective stone, sheltering the wearer from danger. Associated with helping ease anxiety, insomnia, inflammation and pain.

Enhanced Communication: Lapis lazuli is believed by some to promote effective communication, self-expression, and the ability to articulate thoughts and feelings.

Inner Wisdom: It is often associated with tapping into inner wisdom and intuition. Some people believe that wearing lapis lazuli can aid in accessing one's inner knowledge and insights.

Emotional Healing: Lapis lazuli is said to have calming properties that can assist in alleviating stress and promoting emotional healing. It may be used to encourage a sense of peace and tranquillity.

Spiritual Growth: Many individuals consider lapis lazuli a stone of spiritual growth and awareness. It is believed to help individuals on their spiritual journey and enhance spiritual connections.

Boosting Creativity: Some people associate lapis lazuli with stimulating creativity and enhancing mental clarity. It may be used to overcome mental blocks and encourage innovative thinking.

Protection: Lapis lazuli is believed by some to have protective qualities, guarding against negative energies and promoting a sense of security.

Hematite usually appears in one's life when they need further grounding, the hematite stone is believed to be able to absorb toxic emotions or feelings and thus provides a connection to the universe. It was used by the ancient Greeks to produce a red pigment because of its deep dark colours. The native Indians also use hematite in some rituals and is a commonly used stone to help with grounding and breathing.

The length is approx between 17 - 22cm in total and will fit the majority of wrists, but please measure beforehand.

Our bracelets vary from material to material, we try to be as accurate as possible regarding what and if any gemstones are being used, where natural gemstones are used, the bracelets will vary in design, some may feature natural fractures in the stone and the colours may vary.