VIOLA (Pansy) Bambini Mixed - 100 Seeds

(Viola cornuta)

Viola 'Bambini Mixed' blooms in a wide range of colours and bi-colours with cute pansy faces. The flowers are quite large for a viola. 

Viola cornuta 'Bambini Mix' is perfect for containers, as well as the border. The flowers bloom in cool weather, slowing down in the heat of summer. Afternoon shade helps to prolong the bloom season. 

Also known as Viola 'Large-flowered Bambini Mix'. 

Sowing Instructions

Sow summer to winter, 5mm deep in a seed tray, cover with cling wrap with few holes. Need 20-22°C.Water with a spray bottle, Germination takes 2-3 weeks. Remove cling wrap once germinated—flowers in 110 days.
