The sale is for a very special Rutilated (Rutile) Garden Lodolite Quartz Specimen with silver and gold Rutile rods running throughout the Quartz specimen. This Rutilated Quartz specimen is 3 1/4 inches in (L) and is 1 3/4 inches in (W)Depth and is 3 3/4 inches in (H) and is 8 1/4 in total(C) circumference measured all the way around the specimen., and weighs in at 1 lb. 3.2 oz. These Rutilated and Garden inclusion formation rods along with the Chloride in the Quartz are considered rare and are very special not only in their mystical beauty but also metaphysically. This Rutilated Garden Quartz is a very powerful healing form of Quartz Crystal. It’s such an eye catcher that it will become the centerpiece of any collection. This Rutile Garden Quartz specimen will also steal the attention placed anywhere for instance. A coffee table, end table, wall unit, nightstand by your bed, bookshelf, or desk at home or in the office. Please take advantage of my reasonable prices for the quality of the specimens I bring to market. 004

Sometimes called “Angel Hair”, especially when it is found in Quartz, Kunzite, Hematite, etc., Rutile is a Titanium ore. It forms in lustrous needle-like inclusions and, as such, can often pinpoint the root of a problem or disease, making it easier to make decisions about the outcome.

Rutile strengthens the aura and can stabilize relationships, especially romantic and familial. It gives insight into past emotional trauma during astral travel. It is also beneficial during dream recall and meditation. Rutile can enhance clairsentience, further enabling the use of one’s intuition.

Physically, Rutile alleviates bronchitis, impotence, increases lactation and strengthens the walls of veins. It can restore balance to the body by pointing to the area of disease and aids in cell regeneration.

Rutilated Quartz is generally Clear or Smokey Quartz riddled with needle-like pieces of Rutile which is made of titanium dioxide. This stone can appear as clear and/or translucent, or opaque Quartz with many needles of Rutile inside. The Rutile within the Quartz is generally a golden color but may be other colors such as silver, red, or copper.

It is fun to gaze into Rutilated Quartz which is also known as "The Hairs of Venus" or "Angel Hair".

Rutilated Quartz can clear energy blockages from all the chakras and attune one to their Divine Purpose. It puts off an exceptionally high level of energy and is said to bring physical and mental balance and stability. This is an uplifting stone, infusing joy into one's life and surrounding environment.

Rutilated Quartz also enhances self-reliance and helps with decision-making. Use Rutilated Quartz as a link between the Root and Crown Chakras, or to get to the root of a problem. Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energizes the aura. Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past. Rutilated Quartz gives protection against the ill thoughts of others.

Visualization is very important when programming this stone for any purpose. Specifically, the golden or silver color of Rutilated Quartz works very well with manifestation programs. The holder must imagine themselves within the crystal to program it, vividly imagining the energies of the program moving along the individual Rutile Crystals within the Quartz. Once this is accomplished, this crystal will powerfully amplify the program, and continue to send it out into the universe.

Rutilated Quartz can also be used for helping to discern the positive or negative vibes or motives of a person, place, or thing.

Rutilated Quartz is often used during meditation, for connecting to the Divine. Working with Rutilated Quartz can help one to connect to higher realms and spirit guides, due to the inclusions of Rutile in the Quartz, which acts as a kind of psychic antenna. Rutilated Quartz is also said to help bring one into an expanded state of consciousness. People who are working to enhance their psychic abilities are aided by Rutilated Quartz, as well as those who desire greater concentration and clarity.

Physically, Rutilated Quartz can be used to speed healing of injuries and slow down aging. Amputees can use Rutilated Quartz to help ease the phenomena known as phantom pain.

One of the most special types of Quartz Crystals, often called Lodolite, or Garden Quartz, Inclusion Quartz has a beautiful vibration and can be very useful with healing. Inclusion Quartz is basically Clear Quartz with inclusions, which can include Hematite, Feldspar, Chlorite and many other minerals that are green, cream, red, orange, and other colors. Looking into one, you get the sense of looking onto a garden landscape.

The colors of the inclusions inside are called phantoms and can range from cream, white, beige, orange, red, green, grey, rust and black. Absolutely powerful and no two Garden Quartz specimens will ever be the same! Gazing at Garden Quartz beads can provide countless hours of amazement, leading to great relaxation and deeper conscious connection, as each bead has a different fingerprint to ponder.

Inclusion Quartz (Lodolite) has a fantastic healing vibration these wonderful qualities of Clear Quartz plus the additional vibrations of its inclusions. The clear Quartz amplifies the vibration of the inclusions. Inclusion Quartz aids in emotional healing by releasing past-life trauma or early childhood memories that may have caused fear or stress. Meditating with Inclusion Quartz brings soothing guidance from spirit guides.

Garden Quartz is a crystal of great meditation and manifestation. It is the go-to crystal for those who seek a better spiritual insight. Deep karmic healing related to past lives comes much more naturally with the help of this unique crystal. It can connect to the energies of the spiritual realm, channeling energy that facilitates deep states of pure light consciousness. 

Garden Quartz assists in deeper meditational states, healing and soothing not only you but the people that you intend on helping. It brings a very supportive energy that facilitates acceptance of change during crisis. It can help over-achievers, judgement and anything holding one back from growth. Garden Quartz also assists in pure communication, especially in a business setting making your desires and intention flow more easily.

Garden Quartz boosts all-body healing as it taps into whatever intention is focused on through spiritual awareness. It helps balance the emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies so that healing can take place more easily. Garden Quartz enhances faster physical transformation when dealing with ascension and awakening symptoms. It heals the energetic light-subtle body.

Garden Quartz is known to increase the frequency of energy flow between physical and other dimensions so that they can be integrated with more ease. It is an amazing meditation stone by helping with focus on intentions, goals, and manifestation. Garden Quartz expands awareness of the unity between all things by connecting the user with higher realms of consciousness and pulling information from the Akashic Record. It is an amazing crystal for people starting to dabble in channeling or the art of energetic healing.

It is said that this crystal can recollect ancient memories that date back thousands of years, when there was a great awakening in consciousness on Mother Earth. During these events, many took to higher dimensions of existence instead of fighting to survive and encoded DNA-shifting material into crystals with high amplification and vibration rates. Garden Quartz is one of these mystical and magical crystals. It can help to activate kundalini energy and activate deep spiritual healing.

Please visit our main store page where you will find all our beautiful geode specimens that we bring to market. We have taken the work out of finding all your crystal gemstone needs and wants, in easy to navigate categories, making your shopping experience much more pleasant and enjoyable.

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