拜耳康王 复方酮康唑发用洗剂/洗发水/止痒去屑头皮屑洗发水脂溢性皮炎花斑癣感染非/ 皮肤外用shampoo/Antipruritic and dandruff
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100% authentic, please rest assured purchase!
The date of fresh
Purchasing various Chinese goods

康王复方酮康唑发用洗剂 50ml


Compound Ketoconazole Lotion for Scalp Disordrs 50ml

Shelf life:730 days

  Net content:50ml
 The date printed on the product packing is the production date(YY/MM/DD), NOT expiration date.

图片仅供参考 请以实物为准!

Reminder:All photoes here are for reference only,Specifications are subject to the phisycal product.