Costa Rica Tarrazu coffee is a globally renowned variety of coffee. Tarrazu is a region situated in the San Jose province of Costa Rica, and the coffee cultivated here is typically recognized for its high quality. Some characteristics of this coffee include.

High Altitude: Tarrazu is a region in Costa Rica, known for cultivating coffee at high altitudes ranging from 1200 to 1800 meters above sea level. The elevated terrain contributes to the coffee's complex and rich flavor profile.

Climate: The temperate climate in Tarrazu is conducive to the slow and balanced ripening of coffee beans.

Balanced Tastes: This coffee is renowned for its balanced acidity, often showcasing mild fruity and sweet notes like chocolate, citrus, and caramel tones.
Sweetness: Some varieties might exhibit distinct sweetness.

Delicacy: It tends to have a soft and delicate structure.

Processing Methods:Tarrazu coffee is typically processed using the washed or natural method. Washed processing often results in brighter acidity and a clean taste, while the natural method can provide a fuller body and sweetness.