GHK-CU peptide Scalar Frequency Body Patch 15 patches

Introducing our incredible Scalar Frequency Body Patch for GHK CU Peptide, designed to revolutionize your wellness routine! This remarkable patch is infused with the powerful benefits of GHK CU Peptide, offering a unique way to optimize your health with the convenience of wearing it for at least 12 hours, up to a full 24 hours.

The effects of our Scalar Frequency Body Patch are truly cumulative, meaning that the longer you wear it, the more profound the benefits become. GHK CU Peptide has been praised for its multitude of health benefits, including its potential to promote youthful skin, support collagen production, and aid in wound healing. By incorporating this amazing peptide into our body patch, we are bringing you a simple and effective way to enjoy its incredible potential.

What is GHK and Copper Peptide (GHK-Cu)?

GHK-Cu is a tripeptide with the amino acid sequence glycyl-histidyl-lysine. It naturally occurs in the human body but declines drastically by the age of 60. This decline in the GHK-level coincides with the noticeable decrease in the regenerative capacity of the body. The GHK copper complex (or GHK-Cu) has been proven to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, and wound healing actions. Recent studies demonstrated that the GHK tripeptide up- and downregulates a large number of human genes, which may contribute to the health promoting effects of its copper complex. GHK’s ability to improve tissue repair has been demonstrated in:


Lung connective tissue

Boney tissue


Stomach lining

For those with sensitive skin, worry not! Our patch is versatile enough to be worn on clothing, ensuring maximum comfort while still reaping the benefits of GHK CU Peptide. Simply attach the patch securely and go about your day, reveling in the wonders it can bring.

But that's not all – our Scalar Frequency Body Patch goes beyond just direct skin application. It can also be used to charge water, allowing you to infuse your favorite beverage with GHK CU Peptide's goodness. Sip on this energizing drink throughout the day and let the peptide work its magic from within.

With each order, you will receive 15 patches, ensuring a long-lasting supply to support your wellness journey. Make the most out of life by enhancing your well-being with our Scalar Frequency Body Patch for GHK CU Peptide. Invest in your health today and experience the incredible benefits for yourself.

Not to be used to treat or diagnosis disease.

Not approved by the FDA