An Excursion to the Lakes in Westmoreland and Cumberland 1773

William Hutchinson

"William Hutchinson’s spirited account of his ‘summer’s excursion’ to the Lakes in 1773 has a good claim to be the first published guidebook to the district. It is essentially a picturesque tour, varied with detailed accounts of the ruined castles, stone circles and other antiquities to be found en route.
A solicitor from Barnard Castle, County Durham, Hutchinson was a versatile man of letters who could turn his hand with equal facility to poetry, fiction, playwrighting, and historical research as well as sketching out the illustrations for his books.

This edition includes the whole of the 1773 Excursion, published in 1774, together with the Cumberland section of his 1774 Tour through Part of the Northern Counties (1776)".

Pub: Bookcase

