The Piece Itself: 

This is a ONE OF ONE Vintage Afghan Handmade Tribal Heavy Combat War Rug, a truly exceptional piece that stands alone in every conceivable way. While the market may be flooded with knockoffs, this rug stands apart as an authentic work of art, displaying unmatched composition and craftsmanship. The meticulous quality of the handmade stitching is a testament to the extraordinary skill and unwavering dedication of the Afghan tribal artisan responsible for its creation.

This rug commands attention with its front-facing design, but it is when one flips it over that the true extent of its artistry is revealed. The level of detail and precision achieved on such an unforgiving canvas is nothing short of astonishing, leaving one contemplating the countless hours the Afghan tribal artist must have devoted to perfecting every minute element.

At first glance, the rug showcases an ivory backdrop adorned with a scaled map of Afghanistan. Remarkably, the borders separating each country are expertly hand-stitched using dense black thread. The precision achieved in this border stitching surpasses what most people could accomplish even with the aid of pen and paper. The map itself offers a geographical tableau, featuring Iran on the far left, Afghanistan proudly centered, Pakistan below, the USSR above, and Kashmir and China gracing the far right. Marked along the landscape are carefully designated locales - Herat, Qandahar, Kabul, and Mazar Sharif, each marked by prominent black knitted place markers.

Dominating the left portion of the rug is a powerful portrayal of a Talib warrior, meticulously stitched along with a heavily-mounted machine gun, poised to take aim at a hovering US chopper. The astonishing level of detail presented here is nothing short of surreal, considering that every intricate aspect of this rug is meticulously hand-stitched. Firearms and weaponry, crafted with impeccable precision, scatter across the ivory canvas. Positioned strategically, a pistol can be found on the far left, while additional ones grace the upper and lower right corners. Seamlessly traversing the map are two helicopters, showcasing distinct hues, while a resolute tank trudges through the terrain of Pakistan. Adding a chilling aura, eight drones silently mark their presence, perpetuating a sense of foreboding throughout the artwork. Notably, a finely detailed grenade awaits its explosive destiny, situated just to the left of Kabul, serving as a poignant harbinger of the tumultuous events that unfolded in 2021.

The borders of this rug are an equally captivating masterpiece, worthy of recognition and admiration. Each edge is adorned with vibrant blood red stitching, symbolizing the violent conflicts depicted within the artwork. These borders exhibit meticulously crafted geometric patterns, meticulously marked out with black stitching and thoughtfully complemented by gentle touches of ivory. The outermost periphery of the rug is adorned with elegant white tassel fringe, while it is worth noting that intentional design choices, rather than any signs of wear, result in the rounded and thick tasseled feature found in the bottom left corner.

Given its vintage nature and the arduous journey it has undertaken to reach its current state, this rug remains remarkably well-preserved. While a slight yellowing is noticeable in select areas of the ivory ground, primarily towards the upper left, there are no blemishes or dark stains that diminish its overall allure. The threads maintain their tightness, a testament to the artisan's unwavering commitment to quality. The hues have not bled, and there are no loose or protruding threads that would detract from the rug's presentation. Close-up photographs of the rug's stitching provide a glimpse into the meticulous craftsmanship that defines this remarkable piece of art.

This Afghan Handmade Tribal Heavy Combat War Rug stands as a living testimony, masterfully woven to convey a narrative of conflict and unparalleled artistry. 


50.5” by 35” 

~If you have any further questions, or would like to see any additional images, please do not hesitate to reach out in the form of an email. I will get back to you promptly.