Experience the captivating story of Sword of the Stranger (2007) on Blu-ray and DVD, now available in a brand new and sealed package with slipcover. This anime movie, directed by Masahiro Ando with Masahiko Minami as producer, features a gripping drama with Koichi Yamadera, Tomoya Nagase, Akio Otsuka, Mamoru Miyano, and Yuri Chinen as the talented voice cast.

With an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a run time of 103 minutes, Sword of the Stranger takes you on a journey with a nameless ronin and a young boy named Kotaro, both on a quest to escape their past and find their purpose. The movie comes with subtitles and features NTSC video format, English and Japanese language, and Blu-ray/DVD format. So, don't miss the chance to add this standard edition to your movie collection.