Royal Canin Medium Puppy Dry Food is formulated with the specific nutritional needs of your puppy in mind. Thanks to a patented complex of antioxidants, your puppy’s natural defences are supported by key nutrients to assist the growth phase.

Key benefits:

Ingredients: Dehydrated poultry protein, maize, animal fats, beet pulp, vegetable protein isolate*, maize gluten, dehydrated pork protein*, rice, wheat flour, hydrolysed animal proteins, wheat, maize flour, minerals, fish oil, soya oil, yeasts and parts thereof, fructo-oligo-saccharides (0,34%), hydrolysed yeast (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), yeasts extracts (source of betaglucans), marigold extract (source of lutein).

Nutritional information: Crude ash: 8%. Crude fibre: 1.7%. Crude oil fats: 20%. Protein: 32%.

Royal Canin is committed to providing nutritional solutions to your pet’s needs. All products undergo an extensive quality control process in order to guarantee the optimum quality of food as well as catering to your dog’s specific dietary requirements and lifestyle. This means that when your dog eats Royal Canin Medium Puppy Dry Food, it’s getting a complete and balanced diet.

Suitable for puppies between 2 and 12 months old that will have a medium-sized adult weight between 11kg to 25kg.