One Question Psychic Reading $7.77 
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Please write your specific question including name and birthday of person.

Terms & Conditions
By law, I am required to state that any intuitive, spell  or energy readings are for entertainment purposes only. In addition, any services provided by me cannot be used as a substitute for professional, legal, financial, medical or psychiatric care. If you are ill, you should seek the services of a qualified physician. Any actions that you choose to take subsequent to an energy healing session or spell  is your own responsibility.
This disclaimer is acknowledging that this website is for informational purposes ONLY and the owners of it will not be held responsible for actions taken as a result, directly or indirectly, of the information or attunements on this website. That said there are thousands of people out there that can testament to the wonderful healing.
By purchasing this spell you agree that: You are 18+.You understand and agree to all disclaimers listed above.
Privacy Notice We cares deeply about privacy. We know that you care about your privacy as well, We will save your email to us. We do not share your personal information with other companies.
Arranging Distant Healing for Others:
I am often asked about arranging a distance healing session for someone else. It might be a loved one (spouse, parent, child, etc) or someone that you have heard about that you would like to gift this to. This is a wonderful offering. Unlike some other healing modalities, the distance healing does not need to be permission based. So, it is absolutely possible to arrange for a distance healing session for someone you care about without their permission. If you would like to tell them that you are arranging this for them, then I can contact them via e-mail to set up a specific time for the distance healing session. If you are giving this to them anonymously, you and I will arrange for the session and I will communicate with you about when I have it completed. Healing time varies from person to person.

If you have any questions before, during or after the session-please do not hesitate to ask. I am more than happy to help in any way I can.