Alice's Adventure in Wonderland and Through The Looking-Glass, complete in one Volume by Lewis Carroll.

It has Ninety-two Illustrations by John Tenniel.

It is a nice copy that feels good in your hands.

The cover is in good condition and the pages have ragged torn edges.

Beautiful illustrations throughout.

Light wear, a nice copy with a cover included. Not many of these out there with a cover

Publishers are Three Sirens Press 104 Fifth Avenue, New York. Printed in the Unites States of America by J.J. Little and Ives Company, New York.

Alice's Adventure in Wonderland and Through The Looking-Glass, complete in one Volume by Lewis Carroll.

It has Ninety-two Illustrations by John Tenniel.

It is a nice copy that feels good in your hands.

The cover is in good condition and the pages have ragged torn edges.

Beautiful illustrations throughout.

This publisher imprint seems to have been used for a short time. The references I saw were between 1933 and 1937 — all during the Great Depression when selling even $1 books was not that easy with so many people out of work or with sharply-reduced incomes.