Better than CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin Scalar Frequency Body patch.

Not a prescription drug.

Introducing our Scalar Frequency Body Patch with the power duo of two frequencies.

CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin frequencies. This innovative patch is designed to bring you the benefits of these conveniently and effortlessly.

Each order includes 15 patches, ensuring that you have an ample supply to experience the transformative effects of these guys

Using advanced scalar frequency technology, these patches work by emitting specific frequencies that resonate with your body's energy field. This resonance helps in optimizing the absorption and utilization of this duo combo by your body, enhancing their effectiveness.

For optimal results, wear the patch for at least twelve hours, up to a maximum of 24 hours. The effects of the patch are cumulative with each use, making it perfect for long-term use and continuous benefits.

With our customer's needs in mind, we have ensured that these patches are suitable for even the most skin-sensitive individuals. If your skin is sensitive, worry not – you can wear it comfortably on clothes without compromising its effectiveness.

But the benefits don't end there! Our Scalar Frequency Body Patch can also be utilized to infuse properties of the combo into your drinking water. Simply place the patch on a clean glass or water bottle, and let the scalar frequency technology charge your water throughout the day. You can enjoy the revitalizing effects of these peptides wherever you go.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the remarkable benefits. Try our Scalar Frequency Body Patch today and unlock your body's true potential.

No to be used to treat or cure disease

Not FDA approved