**Product Name:** "An Historical Survey of the Old Testament" (1969)

"An Historical Survey of the Old Testament" is a scholarly and comprehensive exploration of the Old Testament scriptures, authored by Eugene H. Merrill and published in 1969. This book offers readers a detailed and insightful journey through the historical, cultural, and theological aspects of the Old Testament, providing a deeper understanding of the foundational texts of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Key Features:
- **Historical Context:** The book delves into the historical context of the Old Testament, providing valuable insights into the societies and cultures in which these texts were written.
- **Theological Analysis:** It offers a thorough theological analysis of the Old Testament, exploring its themes, teachings, and the theological significance of key events and figures.
- **Authorship and Dating:** The author discusses the authorship and dating of Old Testament books, shedding light on the origins and development of these sacred texts.
- **Textual Criticism:** It addresses issues related to textual criticism and the preservation of the Old Testament manuscripts.
- **Maps and Illustrations:** The book includes maps and illustrations that aid in visualizing the geographical and historical settings of the Old Testament narratives.
- **Scholarly Citations:** Eugene H. Merrill draws on the work of biblical scholars and theologians to provide readers with a well-researched and academically sound resource.
- **Accessible Language:** While scholarly in nature, the book is written in a clear and accessible language, making it suitable for both students and general readers.

"An Historical Survey of the Old Testament" serves as an invaluable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Old Testament scriptures. It is particularly valuable for students, scholars, pastors, and individuals interested in exploring the historical and theological foundations of the Old Testament.

**SEO Terms:** Old Testament Survey, Old Testament History, Biblical Scholarship, Biblical Theology, Old Testament Authorship, Biblical Studies, Eugene H. Merrill, Old Testament Context, Biblical Manuscripts, Biblical Criticism.