Introducing Aqua Design Plant Lite aquarium fertiliser: the perfect solution for lush aquatic plant growth without the added nitrate or phosphate. Specially formulated to provide essential nutrients without compromising water quality, this fertiliser promotes vibrant and healthy plant growth while maintaining a balanced aquatic environment. Give your aquarium the nourishment it needs, without the worry of excess nutrients. Ideal for use in aquariums that have high fish stock, or lightly planted, due the nitrates and phosphates provided by fish waste. 

Dosage can be added once per week.

 For best results split the recommended dosage between 5-7days. Works well along with AquaDesign Carbo. 

All sizes come complete with 3ml pipette for dosing.

Available in 500ml, 1000ml, 2500ml and 5000ml sizes.

10ml Per 50L Per Week

Dosing Via Pump top:
1 Pump Per 6L Per Week

Recommended dosage adds:  
K 1ppm 
Mg 0.39ppm 
Fe 0.08ppm 
B 0.01ppm 
Cu 0.002ppm
Mn 0.02ppm
Zn 0.01ppm 
Mo 0.002ppm