Ukrainian author's Soviet painting.

Painter: Belsky (Belski) Mikhail  (1922-1994) Kyiv.

One of the author's versions of this painting is in the museum (with pioneers and flowers). Artist's catalog of the 1977 edition, shipped with the painting.

Interesting fact, communist officials from the union of artists did not like this painting at the very beginning of its creation, they forced the author to add pioneers with flowers for the solemnity and pomp of this work of socialist realism. This is how the second version of the painting appeared  which was published in many albums and books of the USSR. 

Time of the creation: 1970-80s y.

Oil on canvas. Signature.

Size: 200x120 cm (78 1/2x47 in).

The item will be shipped from Ukraine(UKRPOSHTA).

All exposed items are original and pertain to USSR period. 

There are no modern replica and no imitations in the listing of "antique_ua".