We Have The Biggest Selection & The Finest Coffees Beans From All Over The World 

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Organic Coffee Without The Certification: With the laws on Organic being re written all the time that they have now made it illegal to call a coffee Organic even though is grown organic, they now want it roasted in an organic roaster which in fact we have an organic roasted without a $10.000.00 certification we can’t call it Organic. Our coffee meets all specifics of organic but without the certification that cost over 10,000.00 dollars. We are removing Organic but it its grown organic coffee going into our organic roaster.Taste for yourself why so many people are loyal to Macaw Coffee Roaster.

We only import the finest Arabica Coffee Beans on the Planet!

#1 On eBay Over 12 Years & 1,371,000 Pounds Sold & 169,000 Happy Customers!

 Taste Our Passion In Every Sip; We Are Your True Coffee Hunters!

 Our coffees are gourmet grade 1 - 100% Arabica Coffee, not to be confused 

with what our competitor's sell, you will taste the difference!

Taste for yourself why so many people are loyal to Coffee Bean Expert.

We only import the finest Arabica Coffee Beans on the Planet.

We are coffee hunters going to all the farms we import from.

Taste Our Passion In Every Sip!


These Costa Rican Coffee Beans are grown in Tarrazu, near Volcan Poas, in the Southern Pacific region. It is here that humid climate, high altitude and rich volcanic soil contribute to conditions which produce high quality coffee. “La Pastora” estate, a small community overlooking San Marcos, grows the finest of Tarrazu coffees. 100% hand-harvested, naturally sun dried, washed and grown in very small harvests make this rare coffee hard to find but worth it.


Costa Rica is regarded as one of the world's premiere Coffee Bean growing regions, thanks to its volcanic soil and ideal drainage. This Coffee also benefits from fertile soils, which are rich in volcanic ash. Its altitude goes from 4,200 to over 6,300 feet, with an average of 5,100. This high altitude means that this coffee takes longer to mature, and therefore produce denser and richer beans this type of coffee bean is graded as a SHG bean. This altitude is enhanced by a specific microclimate created by the San Marcos Tarrazu Mountains, where we are located. The warmth of the valley protects our coffee from the cold San Marcos nights, permitting us to grow coffee at higher altitudes.

This listing is for 5 pounds packaged in 2.5 pound bags.


 "Cupping Notes"

 ·         The coffee has a dry fragrance was predominate of grapes, sweet earth & Chocolate.

 ·         When Breaking the crust opened up sweet honey notes, strong grassy hay and a light crème Brule.

 ·         Excellent Sweeter qualities: dates, dark grapes. The finish is excellent, filling the mouth with a smooth spicy aftertaste:

 ·         Coffee is complex with strong bottom structure, chocolate, malt, and a rapidly emerging mid-range of honey, dates, almost grape.

 ·         An amazing coffee that comes very highly recommended, we drink it at our house!

Advantages Our Competitors can't match, in short why you should buy from us!

First, we only use grade 1 gourmet coffee beans that are

100% Arabica Coffee beans in all of our coffees.


You Want The Best Cup Of Coffee & We Guarantee You Will Be Thrilled! That’s why we carefully select only top-quality Arabica Coffee Beans with high ratings at the cupping table. Rest assured our Gourmet Grade Arabica Coffee Beans will produce an extraordinarily great cup of coffee for you. Because quality begins at the farm, we enthusiastically encourage biodiversity, and sustainable farming practices. We buy from farmers and partners who embrace our high ideals, and who treat workers well and pay fairly. We’ve found that those who are committed to these goals grow coffees with the finest tasting and highest quality coffees in the world! Therefore, we have been eBay's most successful family owned and operated coffee roaster for over 10 years.

Meet Our Coffee Buyer: Darling is our buyer and Gary's wife she grew up on a coffee farm working along with her father from the young age of 4 years old while living in Nicaragua. It was there that she learned how to spot the attributes of a high-quality coffee beans as a young child. First you must start with the highest quality coffee beans you can find from around the world. When Gary was in Central America they meet at a coffee farm, it was love at first site. They married 45 days later without even speaking each other’s language, that was 22 years ago, and they have made an unbeatable team in the coffee industry ever since. If you pay less somewhere someone is cutting corners on quality by adding Robusta Coffee Beans, our reputation is worth more, he refuses to add these beans they will make your coffee bitter.

About Our Arabica Coffee Beans:  We only roast 100% Arabica Coffee Beans they are considered the finest gourmet coffee beans available.  We never mix in Robusta Coffee Beans to increase our profits. The difference is a clean coffee without the bitterness found in other brands of coffee. .

All Our Coffees Are Packaged In 2.5 Pound Bags That Are Nitrogen Flushed. Nitrogen is an odorless and tasteless gas that is heavier than oxygen. It is typically used in the food industry because of its ability to reduce the staling process. Since Nitrogen has no smell or taste, it won't compromise the quality of the coffee taste but, will ensure its freshness for a long period of time. When paired with our one-way values on our coffee bags it will keep your coffee fresh roasted coffee fresh for months to come. This is a time-consuming process & adds to the cost of our coffee in both bags and labor but, we think it is worth it, because most people only drink around a 1/2 to 3/4 of a pound of coffee a week.


Your coffee will be Fresh Roasted, Bagged & Shipped while it is still cooling down from our roaster!

We Source All Of Our Coffee’s, We Are Your True Coffee Hunters !

Taste Our Passion In Every Sip!