Sfoorti capsule is a uniquely formulated daily health supplement that has a balanced combination of herbal nutrients. It is a natural dietary supplement that will keep you energetic all day long. Sfoorti capsule helps fight against general debility, fatigue, stress, muscular weakness, blood deficiency and sleeplessness. It has anti aging properties and helps strengthen body resistance or immunity.

Sfoorti capsule is enriched with the valuable herbs such as Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Saffron, Kavach Beej, Musli Safed, Shatavari, Gokshura and other potent nutrients that are worldwide known for their beneficial effects in improving health, libido and wellbeing. A regular use of Sfoorti Capsule may ensure that you stay active and able to enjoy life with well functioning body parts even in later age. Go for Just 1 Sfoorti capsule twice or thrice daily and start a charged life today. Right now!

Increase Energy Level and Improve Vigor and Vitality with Sfoorti Capsule

The herbal ingredients used in the formulation of Sfoorti capsules are commonly used to increase energy level and stamina. Sfoorti's balanced combination rejuvenates and strengthens body organs and helps maintain good health. Sfoorti capsule helps increase physical work capacity by countering fatigue. It improves immunity system and defense against diseases.

With the help of powerful herbal ingredients, Sfoorti capsule increases the utilization of oxygen in the body to the normal levels. As a result, you won't experience the conditions that are typical to tiredness, weakness and fatigue. You will, in fact, feel sharp and active all day long. The herb ashwagandha has been actively researched in various parts of the world where it is taken as health supplement for improving the vitality of systems in the body.

Sfoorti capsule has various health benefits:
  • Eliminates general debility, physical and mental exhaustion and muscular weakness
  • Prevents aging and increases energy, libido and stamina in both men and women
  • Improves immune system and prevent diseases and illnesses
  • Increases physical work capacity by countering fatigue
  • Helps oxygen transport to tissue (for producing energy) during physical exertion
  • Improves endurance, compatibility and tolerance during stressful condition
  • Improves performance in activities which require skill, coordination, concentration, learning and memory
  • Replenishes vitamins and minerals and maintains good health
Sfoorti Capsule Helps Men and Women of Every Age to Maintain Stamina to Be Able to Work Actively From Morning till Night


Sfoorti capsules consist of the following potent ingredients:

Croci stigmata (Saffron), Asphaltum (Shilajit), Stannum oxide, Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Mucuna pruriens (Kavach Beej), Hypoxis orchioides (Musli Safed), Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari), Tribulus terrestris (Gokshura), Pueraria Tuberosa (Kudzu)

The ingredients of Sfoorti capsule have natural properties to overcome all type of weaknesses. Sfoorti capsules help reduce stress, mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion. It also improves performance in activities which require concentration, memory, skill, learning and coordination. Sfoorti capsule acts as a restorative tonic that increases strength, vigor and vitality in men and women.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Do I Need Energy Supplements?

A car needs to be fuelled regularly. Mobile phones also need regular recharging. Similarly our body also needs to be recharged with all nutrients to stay 100% fit and healthy. The science continues to discover more vital nutrients, antioxidants, special micronutrients etc to fill the nutritional gaps but most of these are lacking in our modern diet. Many of us are still taking conventional diet which fails to deliver essential nutrients needed by our body in today's fast paced life.

On one hand stress, pollution and heavy work load in today's competitive era increases demands on our body and on the other we are not able to absorb the dietary nutrition fully. Hence we are aging faster, suffering hair loss and premature graying, losing eyesight, getting weaker muscles and bones, losing stamina and our faces lack the glow of health.

The Company has developed Sfoorti Capsule, a Daily Nutrition Herbal Vitamin Supplement of 21st Century to meet the nutritional needs of modern men and women of all ages. Sfoorti Capsule is an advanced daily formula fortified with 9 essential nutrients. It fulfills the daily needs of all major nutrients in the capsule form. Take one Sfoorti Capsule thrice daily with your routine diet and feel the difference in your energy levels within few days.

Within a few months Sfoorti Capsule will make you fit and healthy, and help avoid diseases, enjoy a sharper eyesight, active brain, healthy heart, stronger bones and improved stamina, glowing skin and lustrous hair. If Sfoorti Capsule is taken regularly for some months, it may help you to win in competitive sports and studies.

Is Sfoorti capsule safe?

Sfoorti capsule has been prepared with the foremost care and detail. The herbs that went into the preparation of this product are the safest and most renowned. We follow stringent International standards in safety and hygiene in the preparation of our products.

What is the dosage?

Take 1 capsule twice or thrice daily along with a glass of water or milk after meals. Always follow a regular course of Sfoorti capsule for 2 to 3 months to get maximum benefit.

Will my privacy be respected?

Your privacy is of prime concern and will be given maximum priority. Your order will be shipped to you in Discreet Plain Packet and follows International regulations that are the norm in the shipping industry.