Immerse yourself in the charming world of "My Boy" with this complete set of English manga volumes 1-9. The series follows the lives of Satoko Tawada and Mashuu Hayami, two stangers who meet and find what they are missing in each other . With beautiful artwork by Hitomi Takano, this slice-of-life manga is a must-have for any fan of the genre.

Each volume is softcover and in like-new condition, allowing you to fully enjoy the story without any distractions. The series is published by Vertical Comics and features the original Japanese tradition of manga storytelling. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this complete set and experience the heartwarming journey of "My Boy."

I'm selling these as one unit. I am selling these for $99 at $11 a piece instead of 13 a piece new. You'll have a day for shipping. I'll go as low as $90 or $10 dollars a book. Discoloring on the white covers as pictured.