This vintage paperback book titled "Nostalgia Digest and Radio Guide Magazine Red Skelton December 1984 - January 85" is a must-have for fans of classic entertainment, particularly those interested in old-time radio shows and vintage magazines. With Chuck Schaden as the author, this nonfiction narrative type book covers a wide range of topics, including economics, action, adventure, aviation, folklore & mythology, history, science fiction, life sciences, photography, western, engineering & technology, travel, urban fiction, fantasy, mystery, computer & IT, historical, world literature & classics.

The book is in very good condition and is ideal for young adults, ages 2-3, ages 4-8, ages 9-12, adults, and those under 2 years old. It has no inscriptions or ex libris, and it is not personalized. The item measures 8 inches in length, 5 inches in width, and 1 inch in height, and weighs 5 ounces.