You are looking at two unposted Postcards from San Antonio, Texas ~ Albert's Buckhorn Saloon

1)     “A Rattling Fine Deer Composed of 637 Rattlesnake Rattles, Albert’s Buckhorn Saloon, San Antonio, Texas.”

2)   “Welcome Flyers” Flyers Coat of Arms, Albert’s Buckhorn Saloon, San Antonio, Texas. Made of 925 Rattle Snake Rattles.

I am not certain of the age of the postcards - there is a Copyright of 1920 by Albert Fredrich on the U.S. Flyer's Coat of Arms.  Also, where the postage stamp is placed, it reads "Domestic One Cent", and you could buy 10 different Post Cards of the famous establishment for 25 cents.  

All of our postcards are Vintage and Original, NOT reproductions or copies, as they came from my Uncle’s collection. 

The cards are in excellent condition 

Thanks for looking!