Datavideo TL-1 Time Lapse Intervalometer for DV Bank
Das Gerät ist in gutem Zustand und funktioniert einwandfrei!

- Das Gerät Wie abgebildet

Beschreibung des Herstellers:
The TL-1 Intervalometer is a time lapse microprocessing accessory for Datavideo's DV Bank product line (DADVBANK120, DADVBANK60). An Intervalometer allows you to exercise control over the amount and frequency of video frames that you are recording. Use it to speed up very slow activities or to capture single-frame animation. This accessory allows videographers to create more intriguing digital imagery.
Capture Animation
The TL-1 Intervalometer provides the professional videographer with the ability to capture video one frame at a time, providing a unique tool to create animation.
Time-Lapse Videography
Capture the setting sun and the rising moon, then watch it all in a matter of seconds or minutes. The TL-1 Intervalometer enables the DV Bank to capture a mere moment in time, or a series of moments to create captivating digital video.
Remote Activation of Functions
Activate the unit remotely by using a GPI-trigger switch, motion sensors, proximity switches or a computer.
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