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A: The item price or the shipping cost is not including the customs duties, taxes and charges. These fee are the buyer's responsibility.
B: About the taxes rate, it depends on the local customs taxes policy. You can check with your country's customs offical website or local customs office to know how much the additional taxes will cost. Thanks for your cooperation!

Advantages and Features
1. Non-sensory fat reduction: Using green weak laser to irradiate specific
areas in a targeted manner, fat reduction and shaping can be achieved
without touching the skin, and there is no feeling during the treatment.
2. Overall circumference reduction and shaping: It can eliminate excess
body fat in the abdomen, waist, back, buttocks, thighs, arms and neck,
and reduce the circumference of the treated area.
3. Compared with other non-invasive therapies, this device has a better
effect on reducing waist circumference.
4. Rich indications: It can not only reduce fat and shape, but also stimulate
collagen regeneration and tighten skin.
5. No side effects and no recovery period: Glaser provides an easy,
painless and non-invasive treatment. Due to the specific wavelength,
the laser only affects the fat cell layer under the skin, while other cells
such as skin and capillaries are affected. You will not suffer any damage
in the process, and it is a safe and reliable way to lose fat. Exercise can
be resumed immediately after treatment without affecting normal work
and life. You can do it and leave immediately.
6. Ten high-power lasers can be turned on at the same time.
7. 360° rotation to scan fat areas without blind spots.
8. Curved double-wing folding design, wider coverage,
9. Dual-screen design, both screens support touch operations, making it
convenient to control at work.
10. Electric lift, it’s suitable for beauty beds of different height
