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Laser Therapy:

1600nm laser is a versatile, hands-free, non-suction device featuring a flexible applicator system with a 1060nm diode laser that can treat multiple areas simultaneously. As well as the flanks and abdomen, the device is also being used to target fat on the upper arms, thighs and knees. The treatment does not require anaesthesia and requires no downtime.
The 1060nm wavelength’s specific affinity for adipose tissue, coupled with minimal absorption in the dermis, allows it to efficiently treat areas of troublesome fat in just 25 minutes per treatment. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells with results seen as quickly as 6 weeks and optimal results usually seen in as few as 12 weeks.

1.Body shaping
2.Abdomen fat reduction
3.Flanks shaping and slimming
4.Inner thights and outer thights fat reduction