NOS Schwinn Red Blue or Yellow Band Kickback Bendix 2 Speed Dust Cap AB-32 37 132


 Up for purchase is a NOS Vintage Schwinn Bicycle Bendix 2 Speed Dust Cap. It is part # AB-32 or 37 132 and it goes on the Drive Side. Lots of Middleweights and Stingrays used these. So use this on your Red, Blue or Yellow 2 Speed Kickback overdrive and underdrive hubs. Checkout my other auctions as I list bicycle parts daily. Shipping is $4.99 in the 50 states and Pureto Rico. I will ship overseas. I am listing a bunch of vintage bicycle parts daily. I bought out an old bike shop that closed in the early 80's. Payment must be received before 7 days after purchase of item. Please ask all questions before buying. 

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