BMW C1 125 2000 2002
* what the photo represents will arrive to the buyer, parts or components not mentioned in the ad and not visible in the photo are not included in the purchase
* what you see in the pics will be what you will receive, parts or others not written here or not visible in the pictures, aren't included in the purchase

*** Electronic products are not returnable or exchangeable
*** electrical items can't be refunded or substituted

** For applications other than those advertised, it is not possible to change my mindrefund or replacement expected
** For change of mend or applications on bikes differents by what is written in the ad there isn't refund or substitution

Information about the objectjet
Object : used
with signs of use due to use over time

Information about the object
Object: used 
with signs of use owing the time as shown in pictures

* what the photo represents will arrive to the buyer, parts or components not mentioned in the ad and not visible in the photo are not included in the purchase * what you see in the pics will be what you will receive, parts or others not written here or not visible in the pictures, aren't included in the purchase *** Electronic products are not returnable or exchangeable *** electrical items can't be refunded or substituted ** For applications other than those advertised, it is not possible to change my mindrefund or replacement expected ** For change of mend or applications on bikes differents by what is written in the ad there isn't refund or substitution Information about the objectjet with signs of use due to use over time Information about the object with signs of use owing the time a