FKD-18X24 wide-format folding camera with double-stretch fur is designed for shooting portraits, groups, reproductions in studio conditions, as well as in the field for landscape, architectural, technical and other types of filming.

Photographic material is a flat photographic plate (film) measuring 180 X 240 mm. The number of pictures is limited by the number of cassettes.

The camera is equipped with a high-quality Industar-37 lens, which, with a full aperture, gives a sharp image across the entire photographic plate (film).

Focusing the lens is carried out on the ground glass by moving the back wall of the camera without changing the position of the lens.

The camera uses wooden double cassettes designed for photographic plates (films) measuring 180X240 mm, and the special inserts included in the kit allow you to shoot on smaller photographic plates.

Double stretching of the bellows, a stable tripod, the ability to quickly change the lens, slopes and turns of the cassette part ensure convenient operation of the camera, both on the road and in pavilion conditions.


  Frame size, mm 180x240
  Lens "Industar 37"
   focal length, mm 300
   relative opening 1:4.5
   angular field of view, deg 53
  Dimensions (in working position) 1100x400x270
  Complete weight, kg 12.5
Special offer: Buy from us also Color or black and white photographic film and save on shipping! Add it to your cart along with the camera and enjoy a great deal!
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