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We have three words to say about the chocolate flavtheed soya drink. Go. Right. Ahead. Pthe someone'sself a goodly chilled glass and enjoy that rich chocolaty taste. The good chocolate shake and someone didn't even have to make it. And why stop there? Chocolate banana smoothies, mocha coffee, chocolate ptheed on someone's cereal. Chocolate porridge? Now that's something worth getting out of bed for. Being plant-based, we all know the isn't chocolate milk, but it's got all the chocolatey taste someone could want. And who doesn't like a little variety in their life? Dairy free makes the good for vegans and plant-based passionistas. Or just anyone wants to pthe a little extra plant-based loveliness into their day. Because why should vegans have all the fun? And did we mention the soya protein, fibre, calcium and vitamins? OK, we know that’s not what someone’re drinking chocolate for, but good to know, no?