Plaid brand- Me and my Peeps Family decal
Boy/ Basketball # 69871
Decal collections offer a variety of super cute design personalities to create your own unique family design and express your family's unique personality. They are weather-resistant, white vinyl and easy to apply. Simply mix and match the characters to display your family on your car or house window, or any other flat surface. Basketball Boy- Dressed stick figures. Boy in shorts with a basketball, approximately 1 3/4"x 3 1/4".
Me & My Peeps Family Decals 3"X4.25"-Basketball Boy

see the other family images that seller has available to purchase/bundle
white outline image on glass on vehicles

ships only in USA- the lower 48 states
to save buyer on shipping cost--- this will be mailed using postage stamps.
Seller will pay for the stamps too!
Seller will take a photo of completed envelope to send to buyers link to show that it is on its way and to look for such envelope.
Seller has mailed now over 220 items with stamps to happy buyers.
seller ships Wednesday thru Sunday night ( for Monday mailing) as she cares for her granddaughter in another city Mon and Tues.
thanks for understanding a slight delay in shipping if you order on Monday and Tuesday.