A sexy female figure in wednesday-like style. High quality painted

Has 2 sizes from 29 to 40.5 cm

Figure may be sold and not have in stock right now. But dont worry, after payment i start to work and make it in 10-20 days, than sent to buyer. (10/10/2023 - All copies of the figure have been sold, so keep in mind that if you purchase a lot, you will have to wait about 20 days until I make another one )

Return conditions: 
1. Broken figure. Took please a video when you unpack parcel. It need as proves if item were broken during delivery but not during unpack. Without that video i cant make refund. For minor damage that can be easily repaired with glue, no return will be accepted (instead, a refund of 5-10% of the cost) or resend broken part.
2. With no technical reason: refund include item price without delivery cost. Item must be returned undamaged.

Please indicate your phone number in the order note or pm - this may help with the delivery.

Important Note for Canadian, Australian and Mexican customers: Due to the extreme slowness of Canada/Mexican/Australian Customs offices and Canada/Mexican/Australian postal services, estimated delivery time (Regular and Registered Mail) can go up to 60-90 days. Please bear in mind that these delivery times are beyond my control. During this time packages will be stuck at customs and no tracking will be shown. Please be patient, those packages are not lost, just delayed.