Excellent condition. This case is EXTREMELY clean with little to no scratches or dents. It's an almost perfect case. 

The battery is in good condition. I did not get a photo of the battery life before the logic board went, so I don't remember the cycle count. The battery is in normal condition and holds a charge very well. 

I had bought this 6 years ago to use for parts to fix my other MBP, but didn't realize it was the wrong model. So it's been sitting around in a box. Then I tried to use it and the logic board failed. The laptop was working great until then. 

This is a great deal for someone who knows how to fix logic boards. Whatever went wrong, is likely really easy to fix. I just don't want to spend the time. 

If you need a new case, this is also an excellent deal because the case looks almost brand new. 

This will include the 500 GB hard drive.