Here are ... Dick Mathis Chizler plans from Nov 1966 Flying Models .. they are  MPS 42 ... there are is pristine condition

Plane has a 51" WS .. and eligible for Classic Stunt ... excellent flyer ... the original was published in November 1966 Flying models. The model in the article was originally finished in clear dope over red Japanese tissue, trimmed with black tissue. Dick flew that model to 2nd place at the 67 Los Alamitos Nats only a few points behind Bart Klapinski. He used that same airplane at the 68 Olathe Nats and finished 8th under some 'adverse conditions'. Dick built some later versions of his Chizler, one with retracts. All Chizlers that I have seen or had are all good flying machines. I think they are a testament to Dick Mathis and his ability to design airplanes that work very well." .... Concerning finish, the original article says: "From this point, you may go one of two ways: either use a clear, transparent finish, with only the color of the tissue as a base color, (you can dye the dope with a few capfuls of colored dope and achieve a deeper translucent finish) or use a pigmented opaque finish. Either way, don't go wild with lots of coats — it adds weight. About six coats of clear butyrate dope brushed or four sprayed will be fine if you want a clear finish like the original "Chizler." The numerals and letters on this ship were cut from black Jap tissue by first drawing an outline on notebook paper and laying it over the tissue, using a sharp model knife. The numerals should be applied with thinner after the first coat of dope. My original is a translucent cherry red, made by doping Stearman red-dyed dope over red Jap tissue. Other colors might be: Amber (red Jap, yellow dyed dope); Burgundy (red Jap; maroon dyed dope); Sickening green (blue tissue, yellow dyed dope) and so on."

"His original is what he flew at the 66 Nats and the 67 Los Alamitos Nats (2nd place) behind Bart Klapinski) and is the one that shows in his Flying Models, November 1966, article which was in clear dope over red Japanese tissue trimmed with black tissue, all clear dope.  He used that same airplane, only with a red white and blue paint scheme at the 68 Olathe Nats (8th place)"
Keith Trostle

I will add.. pick your wood wisely.. I personally try to keep the classic stunters I build to 38-42 oz .. A Max 35 S will pull 42 oz pretty well but a Fox 35 likes 38 oz... an FP35-40 should be modified for stunt and the LA 46 can be used if you go heavy ... check your weight as you build ..


can combine shipping