Rose Jasmine Roselle Chrysanthemum Wolfberry Tea 花茶重瓣玫瑰茉莉玫瑰茄菊花陈皮枸杞 100gx 2 Boxes

Product Information:
  • Name: Rose and Rosy Flower Tea
  • Size: 10g x 10bags,
  • Shelf life: 12 months
  • Storage: Store in a closed, dry place at room temperature.
  • Ingredients: double red rose/polyphyll red rose , roselle , jasmine, chrysanthemum, tangerine peel, medlar/wolfberry, rock sugar.
  • Suit the crowd: the color spot is much, the skin is withered and yellow.
  • Packing: exquisitely packed in cartons
  • How to eat: Pour 300-400ml boiling water in each bag for five minutes, then drink it. Repeat until tasteless

规格:10g x 10bags


Roseflower tea is worth having

Why choose us?

  • Manual screening: Microwave heating sterilization, and then packaging, to ensure health and safety at the same time, as far as possible to filter out the broken, fresh whole granules of flowers to customers.

人工筛选: 微波加热杀菌之后,再封装,保证卫生安全的同时,尽可能的把碎末过滤掉,把新鲜整粒的花朵给客户。

  • Scientific ratio, manual selection  科学配比,手工精选
  • Pure natural, no addition, safer  纯天然,无添加,更安全
  • Exquisite box, environmental protection and high grade. 精致盒装,环保上档次,送人,自己喝都很好.
  • Independent small package, convenient and quick

Raw material:

  • Double rose: selected from pingyin county, known as the "hometown of roses", pingyin rose is famous for its rich fragrance and excellent quality.
  • Jasmine flowers: choose the small jasmine from Guangxi, the hometown of jasmine, with delicate flowers and elegant flowers.
  • Roseplant: contain natural pigment and a variety of minerals, sweet and sour and delicious, soup color Hongyan, known as "the ruby of plant kingdom" reputation.
  • Chrysanthemum: full granule, bubble in tea bud blossom, pleasing to the eye, pleasant aroma.
  • Wolfberry: granules are large and plump, magical little fruits that give you energy every day.
  • Tangerine Peel: ripe citrus, hand-cut, good for stomach and digestion.
  • Rock sugar: made from natural sucrose, adjust the taste of scented tea, scented tea good companion.


  • 重瓣玫瑰:选自被誉为“玫瑰之乡”的平阴县,平阴玫瑰以香味浓郁,品质优异而闻名。
  • 茉莉花:选用茉莉之乡的广西小茉莉,朵粒娇俏,花香淡雅。
  • 玫瑰茄:含天然色素及多种矿物质,酸甜可口,汤色红艳,素有“植物界的红宝石”之美誉。
  • 黄菊:颗粒饱满,泡在茶里花苞绽放,赏心悦目,香气怡人。
  • 枸杞:颗粒大而饱满,神奇的小果,给您精力充沛的每一天。
  • 陈皮:成熟柑橘,手工切丝,健胃助消化。
  • 冰糖:天然蔗糖制作而成,调节花茶口感,花茶好伴侣。

Do you have any of these questions?

Computer radiation, working pressure is big, the skin is dark yellow

Lackluster, melanin precipitation, dry skin water shortage

Have a cup of rose and rosette tea, from the inside out conditioning out





Nutritional composition and effect:

Red roses:

Rose is rich in vitamins A, C, B, E, K, as well as tannin, can improve endocrine disorders, to eliminate fatigue and wound healing is also helpful.Regulating qi and blood, regulating women's physiological problems, promoting blood circulation, beauty, regulating menstruation, diuresis, easing gastrointestinal nerves, preventing wrinkles, preventing frostbite, beautifying.

1. Regulating menstruation and analgesia: rose has the effect of regulating qi and blood circulation, regulating menstruation and analgesia. It can not only make menstruation normal, but also many customers with years of refractory dysmenorrhea have significantly improved after drinking rose tea for a few months.Dysmenorrhea is mainly caused by uterus cold. Rose tea has the effect of regulating qi and invigorating blood circulation, regulating menstruation and analgesia.

2, Disperse stagnated liver qi to relieve depression, eliminate fatigue, invigorate health effectively; often drink rose tea can effectively relieve fatigue, relax the mood, send out depression, can prevent and cure breast diseases, reduce loose back pain and other adverse symptoms, enhance physical fitness has a good role.

3. Maintain beauty and keep young Rose Tea has the effect of soothing the liver and relieving depression and calming the mind of decrease internal heat (especially the empty fire caused by staying up late). It can relieve the mood, regulate the temper, dilute the color spots and nourish the skin inside.

4. Clearing intestinal tract, helping digestion, eliminating halitosis and eliminating fat, rose tea has the functions of regulating endocrine, enhancing blood circulation, strengthening spleen nourishing the liver, and enhancing qi and blood. Long-term drinking has obvious effects on strengthening the body mechanism.


1、调经止痛: 玫瑰具有很好的行气活血、调经止痛的功效,不但能让月经正常,而且很多具有多年顽固性痛经的客户在饮用北庭玫瑰花茶几个月之后,痛经都有了很明显的改善。 痛经主要由宫寒所致,玫瑰花茶具有很好的行气活血、调经止痛的功效,通过用食补的方式,将这种后天造成的宫寒状况一点点调养过来。

2、疏肝解郁,消除疲劳,增强体质: 常喝玫瑰花茶可以有效的缓解疲劳,舒散心情,散发郁气,可防治乳腺疾病,减散腰酸背痛等不良症状,增强体质都有良好的作用。

3、美容养颜 玫瑰花茶有很好的疏肝解郁、安神降火的功效(尤其是熬夜引起的虚火),能舒缓情绪、调理脾气,也能淡化色斑,内调养肤。

4、清肠道、助消化、去口臭、消脂肪 玫瑰花茶具有调节内分泌,增强血液循环,健脾养肝,增强气血的功效,长期喝对身体机制增强有明显作用。


roselle contain protocatechuic acid, flavonoids, isoflavone, anthocyanin and rich vitamin, amino acids, organic acids, sugars, inorganic salts,can lower cholesterol and triglycerides, inhibit platelet aggregation and reduce thrombosis, inhibition of lipoprotein oxidation, reduces atherosclerosis, roselle can effectively prevent cardiovascular disease.The roselle still can do officinal use, its taste is sour, cold. It has the functions of diuresis and blood pressure, clearing heat and relieving heat, detoxification, beautifying and eliminating spots, and hangover.Besides roselle still has the action that protects liver, aim at cancer.Accordingly, roselle is a very good natural health care medicaments.

Roseplant can have the action that prevents thrombosis, to reducing arteriosclerosis has benefit, still can have the effect that prevents thrombosis, fall fat also can prevent arteriosclerosis at the same time, have the action that inhibs to cardiovascular disease.



Jasmine tea ingredients:
  • Proteins and amino acids
Drinking jasmine tea can supplement the protein and amino acids needed by the human body. About 2% of water-soluble protein in jasmine tea can be directly absorbed and utilized through drinking tea.The content of amino acids in jasmine tea is slightly higher than that in green tea, and the variety is rich, up to 26 kinds, among which the content of theanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and so on is higher, which can be used as a supplement to the daily requirement of human body.
  • Multivitamins
Drinking jasmine tea can supplement the body needs a variety of vitamins.According to its solubility, it can be divided into water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins.Water soluble vitamins (including vitamin C and B vitamins) can be directly absorbed by the human body through drinking tea.Therefore, drinking tea is a good way to supplement water-soluble vitamins, and drinking tea regularly can supplement the human body's needs for a variety of vitamins.Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, improves the body's resistance and immunity.The content of vitamin C in tea is high, and the content of vitamin C in jasmine tea tends to decrease in the scenting process. Generally, the content of vitamin C in every 100g of jasmine tea can reach 80 ~ 90mg.
  • Mineral elements
Drinking jasmine tea can supplement the mineral elements needed by the human body, tea contains a large number of elements and trace elements needed by the human body.The main elements of jasmine tea are phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur and so on.Trace elements include iron, manganese, zinc, selenium, fluorine and iodine.The content of zinc and iron in jasmine tea is higher.These elements play an important role in the physiology of the human body.One way to obtain these minerals is to drink jasmine tea regularly.





The efficacy of jasmine tea:
1, drinking jasmine tea can prevent tooth decay, drinking tea or gargling with tea, brushing your teeth, not only can remove halitosis, but also can prevent dental caries.Each person daily drinking 10 grams of tea brewed tea soup, can meet the human body's need for fluoride.

2, drinking jasmine tea on cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure.Coronary heart disease has certain prevention and cure effect.Some people through clinical experiments confirmed that a month to drink three bowls of jasmine tea people, their blood fat dropped 13%, cholesterol has also been reduced.

3, often drink jasmine, clear the liver and eyesight, thirst, expectorant treatment dysentery, convenient water, dispelling the wind and resolving the table, fistula, strong teeth, Qi, blood pressure, heart, caries prevention radiation damage, cancer, anti-aging effect, make people live longer, physical and mental health.

4. Jasmine tea is protective against radiation damage, cancer and anti-aging, so if you need to sit in front of the computer often, keep a cup of jasmine tea handy.

5, jasmine tea has the effect of removing phlegm, treating dysentery and facilitating water.

6,Jasmine tea has the effect of clear liver, clear eyes, and quench thirst.

7,Jasmine tea can also detox beauty, is a good taste for women.

8,Jasmine flowers have inhibitory effect on a variety of bacteria.

9, can refresh the effect, can stabilize the mood and relieve the depressed, the mood is agitated can drink.

10,Jasmine tea has effect of pain relief.

11. Jasmine tea has the function of relieving depression, eliminating fat and eliminating food. It is very suitable for tea friends who want to keep a slim figure。


  • The main component of chrysanthemum is, volatile oil, flavone, chlorogenic acid.The efficacy of each ingredient is also very different.
  • The volatile oil mainly affects the taste of chrysanthemum tea. Different varieties contain different volatile oil, which reflects different taste.
  • Flavonoids are antioxidant and have a cosmetic effect.
  • The biggest effect of chlorogenic acid in chrysanthemum tea is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.Chlorogenic acid composition is not up to the standard, but also directly related to whether this kind of chrysanthemum medicinal effect.In addition, chlorogenic acid has a wide range of biological activities, antivirus, increase white blood cells, protect the liver and gallbladder, aim at tumor, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood fat, clearing free radicals and exciting central nervous system and other functions.It has high medicinal value.




Dried orange peel:

Ingredients: volatile oil (limonene, γ-terpinene, β-laureene, etc.), flavonoids (hesperidin, neo-hesperidin) alkaloids, inositol, etc.In addition, contain on hydroxyforin.

1. Effect on gastrointestinal smooth muscle

2. The digestion

3. Fight stomach ulcers

4. Good for gallbladder and liver

5. Expel phlegm and relieve asthma

6. Effect on uterine smooth muscle。


Chinese wolfberry:

  • Lycium wolfberry is rich in lycium polysaccharide, fat, protein, free amino acid, taurine, betaine, vitamin B1, B2, E, C, especially carotenoid content is very high.In addition, it also contains a lot of mineral elements, such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium and so on.
  • Lycium wolfberry oil is rich in linoleic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, vitamin E, carotene and other bioactive substances.Chinese medlar oil is rich in linoleic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, vitamin E, carotene and other bioactive substances, with lower blood vessel cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, enhance vision, prevent glaucoma, has obvious whitening, moisturizing, skin care, reduce pigment and other functions。
  • Chinese wolfberry is rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, eat more can enhance human immunity, improve disease resistance.Chinese wolfberry has the function of tonifying kidney and nourishing essence.Some men and women suffer from low sex drive and depression.You can eat more medlar at ordinary times, especially when soaking in water or stewed medlar soup.Chinese wolfberry can protect the eyes.People who work in front of the computer for a long time can eat more wolfberry appropriately.Chinese wolfberry has good eye protection effect.Eating more can reduce eye strain and dry eyes.

  • 枸杞子含有丰富的枸杞多糖、脂肪、蛋白质、游离氨基酸、牛磺酸、甜菜碱、维生素 B1、B2、E、C,特别是类胡萝卜素含量很高。此外,还含有大量的矿物元素,如钾、钠、钙、镁、铁、铜、锰、锌、硒等。
  • 枸杞子油富含丰富的亚油酸、亚麻酸、油酸、维生素E、胡萝卜素等生物活性物质.枸杞子油富含丰富的亚油酸、亚麻酸、油酸、维生素E、胡萝卜素等生物活性物质,具有降低血管胆固醇,防止动脉粥样硬化,增强视力,防止青光眼,具有明显的增白、滋润、护肤、减少色素等作用
  • 枸杞富含营养素、维生素、矿物质,多吃能增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。枸杞具有补肾养精的作用。有些男人或女人性欲低下,精神抑郁。平时可以多吃些枸杞,尤其是在浸泡水或炖枸杞汤时。枸杞具有保护眼睛的作用。长期在电脑前工作的人可以适当多吃些枸杞。枸杞具有良好的护眼效果。多吃可以减轻眼睛疲劳,减少干涩的眼睛。

The combination of roses is a riot of colour
Let you overflow in the sea of flowers, time to enjoy the good mood of spring.
A cup a day, easy to discharge the body garbage
Stick to it and it will make your skin soft and tender from the inside out

Toxins accumulate in the body and cannot be excreted properly, which not only affects health, but also manifests itself on the skin, It can make the skin dull, spotty and acne.

A cup of rose tea, let you easily discharge garbage, let your skin look white, red, healthy and beautiful.

