Condition as seen.  Interesting letter to his girlfriend back home about being promoted to Lt, and much more information.

Augustus M. Hubbard
Residence Hancock WI; 
Enlisted on 6/19/1861 as a Corporal.
On 6/19/1861 he mustered into "E" Co. WI 7th Infantry 
He died of wounds on 4/2/1865
He was listed as:
* Wounded 8/28/1862 Gainesville, VA
* Wounded 4/1/1865 Five Forks, VA
* Sergt 
* 1st Sergt 
* 1st Lieut 12/28/1864 
Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.: - Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers:  War of the Rebellion
(c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. @

Camp 7th Regt Wis Vet Vols
March 11th 1865

Dear Friend Frank,

I rec’d yours of the 28th Feb in due time and now I hasten to answer it.  Yours found me well as usual and I hope this will find you enjoying the same blessing.  As for news, there is none at present that is worthy of note.  The weather has been awful bad for the last 3 or 4 weeks.  It has rained most all the time so we are in mud up to our knees every time that we go out doors.  Frank I have got my new house built so that I am all right as far as that is concerned but we may be ordered out of them at any time of the night or day.  I think I told you about our last battle in my other letter did I not.  I have not heard from home in some time so that I don’t know how they are getting along there now days.  I heard that Sue was married but I guess that its not so is it?  I did not think she would have anything to do with M. Richmond.  I can tell you one thing the longer she has anything to do with him, the less she will be though of.  Don’t say anything to her what I have said please.  I have not had a letter from her in some time.  I wrote to her last though I wonder who started the story about that Revolver.  Y they are growing fooler & fooler every day.  After a little they wont know anything at all.  I suppose you hear all the army news a great deal sooner than I could get it to you by letter therefore I’ll not attempt to tell it to you in this letter.  I suppose that your school is out is it not?   Would have liked to been up there & went to one or two spelling schools along with you but it could not be as I could not get home this winter by re-enlisting as I did last.  Well it is all right.  This war can’t last always and if I live I must see the end of it.  Do you. (Frank) remember of telling me last winter that I was not going to be killed while in the Army?  Yes you told me those very words and how often have I thought of them.  I have been in no Battle but what I have thought of it.  Well I hope it may be so but if I do get killed in a battle who will care for me.  Few they they are & far between as scarce as turkey’s teeth but still I don’t have the least idea of being killed.  I never though yet that I should be killed while in Battles.  Well enough of this.  I don’t think of anything more to write so I guess that I will wind up this attempt to an answer to your letter.  Write soon & accept the Love of


Miss F.A.O.