The plans are perfect from the now defunct Flying Models Magazine .. punished in Jan 1980 . this is an I Beam design with a 57" WS and attempting to weigh in @ 48-50 ozs .. Bill has nothing good to say about stunt engines avalible in 1980.. I believe he ran an HP40 in this plane..

from the Outerzone... I go there a lot... see my listing for his Junar ..

here is the article .. file:///C:/Users/camps/Downloads/Juno_stunt_56in_oz491_article.pdf

"This stunter utilizes self-jigging and super-light I-beam construction. Its heritage includes a long line of contest winners.

For anyone who has an interest in controline aerobatics the name Bill Werwage is probably a household term. Bill has been in stunt competition for over 25 years during which time he has won four National Championships, two World Championships, four berths on the United States World Team, two seconds in the Nationals, two seconds in World Championships and 150 first place finishes in 200 contests entered.

Perhaps the most experienced stunt flyer of all time, Bill has designed and built many fine stunters. Among these are the legendary Ares and USA-1.  Bill's last published work was in 1960 for the now defunct American Modeler magazine. We at Flying Models feel proud to present an article by this very knowledgeable modeler. The design presented here is the culmination of 25 years of intense development and is, according to Bill, his best airplane to date. Fellow modelers, a rare treat, Bill Werwage's 'Juno'.. Bob Hunt

will combine shipping .. all the plans I am selling are folded