For sale is a Pentacon 135mm f/2.8 (15 blades) for M42 mount in "Used" condition. Serial number 8430107.

Comes with:
Lens' body condition
  • Body is in "Used" state with a few scratches. The focus ring knurling has a few scratches here and there.
  • Aperture mechanism operates smoothly and there is no oil on the aperture blades.
  • Focus turns smoothly, though tends to be a bit on the heavier side.
  • The lens hood seems to be stuck onto the lens but I don't see any damage indicating this lens took a hit;
    The outer 58mmm filter thread is still usable however
Lens' optical condition
  • Dust particles (typical for vintage glass of this age).
  • Some small cleaning marks on the front element.
  • Very thin veils on the front and rear elements due to cleaning over the years (this can be seen on the last photo).
However, testing at maximum aperture (f/32), I am unable to see any effects of these very thin veils on the image even whilst shooting directly at a bright light source.

Stellar lens for portraits and "bokeh"-centric photos. I'm a bit sad to sell it but I never use it as it doesn't fit my style anymore.

Possible to send via other shipping methods, however, please contact me first.