This Snoopy sculpture is a smaller reproduction (5") of the much, much larger Peanuts characters sculptures commissioned by the City of St. Paul, MN in honor of their native son, Charles A. Schultz, the creator of the Peanuts comic strip characters.

Over several years St. Paul unveiled new Peanuts characters to display on city street corners throughout the city. Smaller reproductions were made and sold to collectors.

Not everyone could afford a 400 lb, 5 ft. tall Snoopy to adorn their front porch or small business, so the City commissioned these 5" replicas of the statues that adorned many prominent landmarks throughout the city.  Now any civic minded St. Paulite...or really anyone who adored and grew up reading the Peanuts comic strip, or watching the Peanuts movies could fondly reminisce about a simpler time.

This Snoopy statue is one of those reproductions dedicated to the memory of St. Paul's own, Charles Schultz.

We will make this Snoopy statue available for $22.00 including the original box it came in, and we'll only charge $8.00 for shipping to anywhere in the continental US.