All-in-one product for moisturizing and soothing.
Top soothing mask pack chosen by Director Pi in 2023 and no.1 ranked sheet mask among best new products in the first half of 2022 by Hwahae.

S.NATURE super aqua gel oasis ampoule mask.
One mask sheet contains excellent moisturizing and skin glowing ingredients.
Mask pack allows maximum absorption of cosmetics ingredients. This vegan-certified biodegradable eco-friendly mask sheet that absorbs more amount of ingredients is made with carefree ingredients only and free from any surfactants or flavoring to provide milder and comfortable moisturizing.
Free from any surfactants and flavoring. Completed low irritation test and made with EWG green grade ingredients only. Received vegan certification.
The mild ingredients for skin and clean moisture provide sufficient moisturizing and relaxation to your exhausted skin.
The vegan-certified moisturizing aqua gel sheet is lightweight on skin so that you can save your time by doing daily activities instead of lying on bed.
Complete with mild texture without surfactant. This non-scented product feels milder and cleaner on skin.
Non-scented highly adhering lightweight aqua gel sheet complete with clear and moisturizing essence that does not flow.
Highly reliable moisturizing product that won the awards 18 times.
Made with strict and safe manufacturing process and numerous sample and quality test. A massive amount of time was invested in sample test.

Featured ingredients
The vegan certified moisturizing aqua gel sheet contains collagen, 5 kinds of peptide, 8 kinds of hyaluronic acids, allantoin, betaine, and peony root extract to help with skin moisture, elasticity, soothing, and glow.
Moisturizing mask pack that contains 8 kinds of hyaluronic acid.
Contains collagen, 5 kinds of peptides, and arginine for clear skin and tight pores.
Contains allantoin, peony root extract, and betaine for sensitive skin types.
Hyaluronic acid maintains skin density and firmness to prevent skin dryness on both inside and outside. It improves inner skin hydration and the moisture layer keeps your skin moisturized.
It attracts moisture to prevent moisture loss by containing 8 kinds of hyaluronic acids in different sizes.
Along with providing firm moisturizing for droopy skin, it contains collagen, 5 kinds of peptides and arginine to help with clear skin and pore tightening.
Contains soothing ingredients for sensitive skin types.
Plant ingredients including peony root extract and allantoin are skin-friendly and help with skin soothing so that they are reliable to use on sensitive skin types.

How to use
Open the product and remove the mask film and then evenly attach the thin aqua gel sheet on face.