Phra Khun Paen LP Tim Wat Lahanrai 
Embed Takrud Micron Gold Case Thai Amulet

For compassionate popularity, great charm, 
prosperous trade, safe and secure.

In the realm of Thai Buddhist amulets,

the Phra Khun Paen, especially those consecrated

by the esteemed Luang Phor Tim of Wat Laharn Rai,

holds a position of unparalleled reverence and esteem.

Luang Phor Tim, formally known as

Phra Kru Sutthampanyakun (Tim Issarigo),

served as the abbot of Wat Laharn Rai,

situated in the province of Rayong, Thailand.

His legacy is profoundly marked by his exceptional contribution

to the creation of Buddhist amulets,

imbued with significant spiritual virtues.

Among his numerous creations,

the Phra Khun Paen amulets are particularly distinguished

for their spiritual efficacy and are highly coveted

by both practitioners of faith and collectors alike.

These amulets are celebrated for their ability

to engender metta (loving-kindness),

enhance prosperity, and afford protection

to those who hold them in reverence.

The crafting of Phra Khun Paen amulets

under Luang Phor Tim's guidance involved

the meticulous selection of sacred materials,

including sanctified powders and herbs,

alongside other components believed to possess mystical properties.

This careful amalgamation of materials, rooted

in traditional beliefs and Buddhist principles,

ensures that each amulet is not only a vessel of spiritual power

but also a beacon of faith and protection.

The reverence for Phra Khun Paen amulets

consecrated by Luang Phor Tim

extends beyond the borders of Thailand,

attracting interest from global devotees and collectors.

This widespread esteem underscores the universal appeal

and spiritual significance of these amulets,

making them not merely objects of veneration

but also symbols of the rich spiritual heritage of Thai Buddhism.

In possession of a Phra Khun Paen amulet from Luang Phor Tim,

one is believed to carry with them a profound spiritual legacy,

encapsulating the virtues of metta, prosperity, and protection.

It is a testament to the enduring spiritual craftsmanship

and religious devotion that defines the essence of Thai Buddhist amulets.