1987 Garbage Pail Kids 7th Series Complete 88 card variation set

Set is in MINT condition

Placed in brand new top Loaders

Contains the variations for 253 a and b and 265 a and b

Empty wrapper included!

Contains the following cards:

251a   Barfin' Barbara

251b   Valerie Vomit

252a   Milky Wayne

252b   Dairy Cari

253a   Russ Pus - "AGE PAIL" Banner Section Puzzle Piece (on back)

253a   Russ Pus - "KID" Banner Section Puzzle Piece (on back)

253b   Louise Squeeze - "AGE PAIL" Banner Section Puzzle Piece (on back)

253b   Louise Squeeze - "KID" Banner Section Puzzle Piece (on back)

254a   Chris Mess

254b   Sandy Clod

255a   On The Mark

255b   Bull's Ira

256a   Jack Pot

256b   Monte Carlo

257a   Cut-Up Carmen

257b   Dotted Lionel

258a   Mickey Mouths

258b   Oral Laurel

259a   Grilled Gil

259b   Well Don

260a   Adam Boom

260b   Blasted Billy II 
261a   Gooey Huey

261b   Bobbi Booger 

262a   Brainless Bryan

262b   Jughead Ted

263a   Vincent Van Gone

263b   Modern Art

264a   Pete Seat

264b   Noel Bowl

265a   Curly Shirley - "KIDS" Banner Section Puzzle Piece (on back)

265a   Curly Shirley - Bottom of Banner Puzzle Piece (on back)

265b   Blown Joan - "KIDS" Banner Section Puzzle Piece (on back)

265b   Blown Joan - Bottom of Banner Puzzle Piece (on back)

266a   Roy L. Flush

266b   Shuffled Sherman

267a   Tongue Tied Tina

267b   Braided Brandy

268a   Phil Grim

268b   William Penned

269a   Sharpened Sheena

269b   Cranky Kristin

270a   Cannibal Stu

270b   Brewin' Bruno

271a   Bratty Maddy

271b   Dirty Birdie

272a   Elastic Elwood

272b   Fletcher Stretcher

273a   Haunted Forrest

273b   Sappy Sarah

274a   Reptilian Lillian

274b   Jay Prey

275a   Wheel Barry

275b   Rollin' Roland

276a   Vanessa Undresser

276b   Banana Anna

277a   Reuben Cube

277b   Blockhead Blake

278a   Have A Nice Dave

278b   Miles Smiles

279a   Short Mort

279b   Noah Body

280a   Shut-Up Sherwin

280b   Filled Up Philip

281a   Soured Howard

281b   Paul Bunion

282a   Screwey Dewey

282b   Bent Brent

283a   Alien Alan

283b   Martian Marcia

284a   Manny Heads

284b   Max Stacks

285a   Wind Sheila

285b   Hit N' Ronni

286a   Haley Comet

286b   June Moon

287a   Christine Vaccine

287b   Medi Kate

288a   Grant Ant

288b   Sticky Nikki

289a   Stair Casey

289b   Alexander The Grate 
290a   Busted Armand

290b   Jim Nauseum

291a   Homer Runt

291b   Screwball Lew

292a   Staple Gunther

292b   Clipped Claude