Ever wanted a pocket-sized WiFi-enabled VT/ANSI compatible Network Terminal that connects to a standard PS/2 Keyboard and VGA Monitor and only requires 5 Volts to operate?  This is it.

So, what can you do with this?  Typical use cases are connecting to online BBSs running over Telnet, connecting to servers like a Rasbperry Pi running a Telnet Server, or connecting to specific computer / hardware allowing Telnet access for configuration and/or administration purposes.  In short, this network terminal allows you to log into any telnet server via WiFi.

The photos show how easy it is to connect to your WiFi and begin using Telnet to connect to online BBSs.  Believe it or not there are many people who still operate BBSs over Telnet, it's a quick Google search away to finding "telnet bbs"

This comes with everything you need to get going:

1. TTGO VGA32 Controller

2. Brand new microUSB power cable

3. Brand new Grey case to house your controller

This ESP32 Controller is running a modified version of the FabGL firmware.  If you wanted to experiment with any other FabGL firmware you can just reprogram this board to whatever you'd like - it's all up to you.  Please feel free to ask any questions.

* Comes from a smoke-free and pet-free environment.  

** Green Mustang Hot Wheels car not included - added to picture for size comparison.