, Here is an old ink pen blotter advertising Dr. Podos Optometrist Opticians of 2977 Fulton St. bet. Cleveland and Elton Sts.  Dr. Podos advertised examining eyes, fitting glasses, frames repaired prescriptions filled, broken lens fixed and he had over 40 years experience.  I did some research and found this was Dr. Abraham Podos, who was born in Russian, came to the U.S. and opened for business in Brooklyn, NY.  The 1930 census showed the 62 yr. old doctor, his wife Bella age 57 and 28 yr. old son Samuel living in Fulton St. in Brooklyn.  The doctor and his wife were born in Russia the son was born in New York.  His naturalization papers say he arrived in this country in 1888 and was applying for citizenship in 1899.  At that time he listed his occupation as Jeweler.  Same in the 1910 census, but in the 1930 census he is listed as an optometrist.  His son Mark Podos also became an Optometrist as early as 1928 according to news articles I found, so this ink blotter could also be from his office.  There are quite a few creases on the blotter and you can see that it was used a lot from looking at the back of it.  Some marks on it as well.  Postage will be 4.40 to the U. S.  IF OUTSIDE THE U. S., PLEASE USE THE POSTAL CALCULATOR TO DETERMINE THE COST OF POSTAGE.  If you like old photographs and ephemera, please check out my EBay store and the other old photos I have listed.  Many different subjects, time periods and places!  I mail all my old photos in padded envelopes with cardboard to keep them from being bent.  Thank you!