Moscow-2 differs from the first model mainly only in the presence of a built-in rangefinder. Moscow-1 is a scale device. The first Moscow was published in 1946. The second - a little later - in 1947.
Until 1949, these devices were produced in parallel, then the first model was discontinued, and the second was in production even before 1956.

The chambers are structurally similar. First Moscow has an Ikonta C 521/2 camera as a prototype.

Moscow-2 - folding medium format camera Garmoshka.
The frame size is 6X9 cm. On standard type 120 film, 8 frames are obtained.
The device is a rangefinder, and the operating principle of the rangefinder is based on a wedge optical compensator. This device is old and widespread, but has not been used in the Soviet photographic industry since the early 60s and therefore now looks exotic. Below we will look at it in more detail.
The viewfinder is a folding optical one and is not coupled with a rangefinder.
Fixed lens Industar-23 1/4.5 f11cm. The aperture limit is f32. MDF - 1.5 meters.
Optical design (lenses/groups) - 4/3
Number of aperture blades: 10
Central shutter Moment-1. Selects shutter speeds 1, 1/2, 1/5, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/250, V.
The device does not have a sync contact. The self-timer was available on some releases with a German shutter.
The weight of my copy is 854 grams.
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